Chapter 15: False Hope

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A mop of blonde hair walks toward the shore. He stops right in front of the water and sighs, running a hand through his hair. He huffs and walks toward the tree, sitting at the bottom. Running another hand through his hair, he leans back on the trunk closing his eyes.

How did he find me here? I don't have the slightest idea.

He runs another hand through his hair and another and another until he finally just sighed loudly. His thinking of something, something serious. I can tell by the way his running hands through his soft, blonde hair. I've spent enough time to know that when Ross touches his hair he is either extremely frustrated or he's thinking of something big.

I am currently sitting in a branch, hidden by some other branches, as I stare at the side of his face. God why does he have to be so sexy. Suddenly I hear a snap and before I know it I'm falling through the air. But don't worry, Ross' lap cushioned the fall. I fell right into his lap and he instantly wrapped his arms around me.

He chuckles, still holding me "Well it's safe to say that you fell for me," he flashed his million dollar smile before throwing his head back in laughter.

I begin to crawl off his lap. "Sadly," I mumbled to myself. I put my back against the trunk and closed my eyes taking in a breath. This makes him stop laughing and look at me, with all seriousness.

"Look if I would have known, I wouldn't have done it"

I sighed, "But you would have Ross, you're the school bad boy..."

He tilted his head in confusion, "So?"

"Bad boys don't date the school nerd"

Ross scoffed and put his hands behind his head, "It's my life they can't tell me what to do."

My heart skipped a beat.

Did he just imply that us is possible?

There was a moment of silence as I stared at the beach, contemplating what Ross had just said. I mean, it's true it is his life and he can do anything that comes up in his mind. But on the other side, our society depends on what others think, especially us teenagers. We let that go so far that we created stereotypes so we could separate those people, who according to society, are too smart or too ugly or too pretty or cool or athletic into groups that should not interact with each other. Once someone is stereotyped it's hard as hell to become something else but that, especially when you're in high school. Considering that Ross was embarrassed to tell people he could sing and play instruments, imagine how ashamed he'll be if he starts dating a nerd, me. 

I closed my eyes; before I knew what I was doing, my legs start moving on their own. I crawl through the sand until I sat on Ross' lap again. He wrapped his arms around me as I laid my head on his chest.

"Why do you do it Ross?" I asked. The question just slipped. I know why he does it, it's a distraction, or at least I think it is. Hearing it come from his mouth is going to hurt more than just me saying it in my head. But I want the truth, I don't want to get ahead of myself.

He sighed, "Honestly, I don't know."

I lifted my head from his chest and looked him in the eyes. That wasn't the answered I expected at all. 

"You know what I think," he looked at me and quirked his eyebrow, "I think you do it as a distraction from all the bullshit life dumps on you. At least that's why I would do it. I mean you're like a Greek god, you're like so freaking hot and I hate you for it. If I was nearly as hot as you, I would definitely sleep with every hot guy in our school and- I should shut up"

Well I did not intend to say anything of that.

"Don't say that," Ross said as he began stroking my hair, "You are like a million times hotter than I am and I don't think you would sleep with all those guys."

I scoffed, "What makes you so sure? You don't know me."

He doesn't know anything, only the basic stuff and maybe he doesn't even remember. He has no idea why I am the way I am. He doesn't know what happened with my family.

He sighed, "If you would have asked me that 1 day ago, I would have said because you're too sweet and innocent. But after today, I definitely think you would do it."

"Of course I would," I mumbled. Total lie.

A moment of silence passed between us again.

"Why did you do it?" he asked.

I looked at him confused, I haven't done anything to him. He's the one that's been hurting me. Well maybe not intentionally but the point is he hurt me. It was obvious I liked him but apparently guys are blinder than moles when it comes to this.

"Why did you kiss me?"

My eyes widened as I remembered everything that happened at the theater. I had absolutely no intentions in kissing him, but apparently my heart has more control over my limbs than my brain. I shrugged.

"Why would you do that?" he mumbled. He was staring at me as I stared up at him. His desperate hazel eyes searched mine as if searching for an answer. I opened my mouth to answer him but nothing came. He kept on staring at me, I remained motionless as if I was enchanted by his gaze. What I would give to know what's running through his head right now. Suddenly in one swift motion, Ross dips his head and connects our lips.

I immediately kissed back. His hands cupped my cheeks as I began to tangle my fingers in his hair. A groan escaped Ross's lips.

I can't believe this is actually happening. He kissed me! Butterflies erupted in my stomach, my cheeks were tinted red for no apparent reason. His lips were so smooth and just perfectly fit with mine. Last time, I kissed him. Now he is kissing me and it feels completely different, in a totally good way.

I shifted my positon, swinging my leg over his lap so I was facing him. His hands dropped to my waist bringing me closer and my hands snaked around his neck pulling myself even closer to him. The kiss was so intense, it was filled with so much passion, so much emotion, feelings that were kept locked inside were set free. A soft moan escaped my lips making Ross groan again.

That's when I realized I had to stop. I broke away and rested my forehead on his, my eyes still closed. We stayed like this for a few moments, catching our breaths.

"False hope," I said breathlessly, "I kissed you so you would have a taste of what you were doing to me." Lies! I literally just made that up. I kissed him because my heart has more control over my actions that my brain will ever have. But I can't tell him I kissed him because I wanted to. Besides, he hurt me, this will be my revenge.

"False hope?" he repeated.

"Yes Ross," my voice faltered a little as tears stung my eyes. "We both know us will never happen and yet we keep giving each other false hope. I can't keep doing this. This is for the good of both of us Ross," with that I dipped my head again, kissing him for one last time. He stayed still, his arms frozen on his sides.

"I'm sorry," I whispered as a single tear slid down my cheek.

I stood up and just ran into the trees. I could hear his voice calling for me in the distance but I kept running.

I should forget about Ross; no I need to forget about Ross but my stupid heart is made up on him.


Well this was a very emotional chapter *sniffling* 😂😂😂

Guys go read the book So Trouble , Im one of the people thats writing it so go check it out!! PLEASEEEE PLEASEE

hope you enjoyed the chapter😘💜

Vote and comment💚

Stay Rossome💕


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