Chapter 1: Somebodies and Nobodies

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In every school there has to be a cool kid, the pretty girl, the athlete, the musician, the goofball, the dancer and the bookworm, in this case its me. Im the girl from Marino high that people call the nerd. I'm the girl in Marino High that attends all AP classes, the girl who gets straight A's, the girl who has no social life because she is always studying. But people judge me before they get to know me. People don't know why I am the way I am, they don't know my past.

Anywayy, in case you were wondering who this is, its me Laura Marie Marano.

Now Im gonna tell you a story, a story filled with romance, action, drama, adventure, comedy... ok maybe I over did it a little but whatever, lets start with introductions.

You see that guy over there standing by the lockers surrounded by girls, thats Ross Shor Lynch, the cool kid. Everybody, and I mean EVERYBODY in this freaking school loves him! He is a complete asshole and a player. He had recently broken up with his girlfriend Maia, they were together for a year so everyone is interested in seeing why the school's "golden couple" broke up. He also has a reputation for one night stands and stuff like that so if that doesn't make you hate him I don't know what will. I get that he is one hell of a greek god but his personally is just so... plain shitty.

Ok moving on. oh! you see that girl over there listening to music, thats Vanessa Nicole Burton, she's the dancer. I know she looks like she has ants in her pants right now but trust me she is the best dancer in this entire school! She choreographs every single dance related thing in this school. She's also the captain of the dance squad but luckily she's really down to earth and doesn't act like Bitch, actually she seems like a nice person. No one knows much about her life since she doesn't talk to anyone but her dance squad, but rumors are she has twin sibling.

Lets continue. That guy who just put a fake spider in that girls hair is Ellington Lee Ratliff but everyone calls him Ratliff, he's the goofball. He has pulled a prank on every single person in this school. I guess that in the world he lives in April Fools is everyday. Rydel Anderson and him have been best friend since kinder garden but when High School started she became the most popular girl in school and he became a nobody. According to things I've heard, something happened between those two and now they completely ignore each other.

Who else....oh! you see that guy over there, long brown hair and over 6 feet, that is Rocky Mark Smith, the musician. If I had to rate his singing on a scale of 1-10 I would say a 100!! He sings amazingly and can play every instrument in existence perfectly! I've talked to him a couple of times in music class, he seems like a nice, caring guy.

Now when it comes to the prettiest girl in school her name is Rydel Mary Anderson, the pretty girl. Shes the girl who just walked in,the one wearing pink with the 2 girl entourage thats making all the boys make a puddle of drool. Her father is rich thats all Im gonna say, it speaks for itself. But Rydel isn't the typical popular b*tch, she can be pretty nice at times. Once she smiled at me as she passed by my locker. I know for a fact she hates Ross, no one really knows why. I mentioned her earlier, she's Ratliff's best friend, or at least was until she began ignoring him. I wonder what happened between those two?

Now who am I missing oh! Riker Anthony Hicks, the athlete. He plays every sport in existence like a pro so he's in all the school's sports teams. He has a reputation for getting super drunk at parties and making out with every girl in sight. He's not as popular as Ross but he's a close second. You could say he's the school's player, in sports and in hooking up with girls. The difference between him and Ross? Ross has like a certain group of girls he hooks up with, Riker hooks up with anything that breathes and has boobs.

And there is 1 more thing I have to tell you about Marino High, everything is about sports but not just any sport, basketball thats what the school concentrates in. The music program pft forgotten in the basement and any other stupid club that is not related with basketball or a type of sport. Why do I care about the music program so much? cause I am a song writer but nobody really knows cause Im invisible. But one day Im gonna get up on that stage and sing, one day...


Ok so far what do you think?

Please let me know.

Stay rossome


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