Chapter 17: Genius Plan

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Ross' pov

"So you had a hot make out session with Laura on the beach?"

I nodded my head. After Rydel and I left the school we drove to the nearest Denny's. Rydel made me tell her the whole thing, even what happened at the movies. Rydel had already explained why Laura had been ignoring me for month. I'm not going to deny it, I feel guilty. I was having a perfectly great time with Laura and I promised her I wasn't going to run off with some girl and I did. I know she was just teasing, or at least at the time I thought she was teasing, but a promise is a promise and I broke it.

"But you kissed her first?" she asked.

I sighed, "Technically she kissed me first at the movies."

"You do know that was Laura's first kiss right?"

My eyes widened. That was her first kiss?! She wasted her first kiss on me. I knew she wanted the whole special guy, super romantic shit. And now she will forever remember her first kiss as the one she wasted on Ross Shor Lynch trying to show him some shit about false hope.

Rydel must have realized my shock expression because she shook her head.

"I'm sorry I didn't know! I thought she was talking about her second kiss when she talked about the romantic special guy stuff!" I slumped down in my seat, "She is such a fvcking good kisser." I ran a hand through my hair as the moment flashed through my thoughts. I would have never been able to tell it was her first. She was so fvcking good. And that moan though, I groaned internally, god it drove me crazy!

"Do you think it was a mistake?" Rydel asked, "kissing her, I mean."

It took me absolutely no time to think of an answer, "God no, that was the best decision I've made in my entire life." It is true, I don't regret that kiss at all.

"Then why don't you go after her? Tell her you like her too," Rydel took a long sip of her strawberry milkshake.

"Because I don't know if I like like her," I said.

Rydel looked at me with a 'are you serious' look, "Um you were the one that kissed her so that tells me you do like her."

"But what if I just kissed her because I was turned on, I mean she was sitting on my lap and you know..." I trailed off. Who wouldn't get turned on if a girl like Laura sat in your lap?

Rydel chuckled dryly, "Laura has sat various times in your lap before and you haven't kissed her. Remember that time in the car before the Bash, she gave you a flipping lap dance and you didn't kiss her."

My cheeks turned a little red as I remembered that moment. It felt so good, and when a laid my head on her back I could hear her heart rapidly beating. "That was different," I mumbled.

"No it wasn't Ross, you like her. Just grow a pair and admit it."

"Look it's more complicated than you think," I ran a hand through my hair, taking a sip from my chocolate milkshake.

Rydel rolled her eyes, I sign she was clearly annoyed, "How? How is it different Ross?!"

At this point I was truly annoyed, infuriated even. Rydel doesn't know me. "I have a rep to protect, okay? I'm the school's bad boy player who doesn't get into relationships especially not with singing nerds!"

Rydel was taken aback by my answer, heck even I was surprised; but nonetheless she managed to whisper, "What about Maia?"

I sighed closing my eyes, my jaw clenching. "It was nothing"

"The truth Ross. I'm your friend and I'm here to support you, not judge you. Tell me the truth," she demanded.

I looked at her reluctantly, I don't think I was willing to tell her the truth. What happened between Maia and I is truly a mess. No one actually knows the truth except me and her; and now so will Rydel. "Back before Maia was popular, she videotaped me singing. She threatened me, saying she was going to send it to the whole school. I really didn't want anyone to know I could sing so I was willing to do anything to keep my secret. Maia told me she wouldn't expose my secret if I became her boyfriend. Obviously, I obliged. We dated for a year before I broke up with her, after I managed to get her to delete the video," I looked down at my lap, "I was blackmailed into a relationship with her, not once did I feel remotely anything for her. But people seemed to have believed otherwise."

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