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"Addy! ADDY!"

Adeline's eyes shoot open, her body flinching and her right hand balling into a fist as she draws her arm back.

"Woah" Nick says, pushing himself away from the side of her bed and bringing his hands up in defence.

"Nick?" the girl questions, keeping her right hand elevated in the air and using her left elbow to prop herself up.

"Yea, just me" the leader responds. He takes a timid step forward, gradually extending his arm out, wrapping his hand around Adeline's fist and slowly lowering it back down.

The girl glances to her right, her eyes widening as she spots her fist being gently covered by Nick's hand. "Oh! Sorry" she says, stretching her fingers back out and placing them against her sleeping bag.

"Don't worry about it, it's just a nightmare" the boy says with a small smile, taking a step back and sitting down on his own bed at the opposite side of the room. "At least you didn't actually hit me this time."

"Yea, I'm still sorry about that" the girl says, sending him a guilty smile. She spins herself around, allowing her legs to drop of the side of the bed so that she is facing the boy in front of her.

Nick waves his hand passively towards her. "It's fine" he says before bringing his hand up and clutching the side of his jaw. "You do pack quite a punch, though."

"Well if it's any consolation, you don't look any less handsome than you did before."

"Please" the leader starts, sending a small smirk her way, "I already knew that."

Adeline giggles slightly at his comment. "At least I know I didn't damage your massive ego" she says with a smile, using her hands to pull herself forward on her bed and jumping off just as she reaches the edge.

"Your words hurt, Addy" Nick says, standing up straight and following her towards the door. "My ego is not that big."

The girl stops at the door, grabbing the handle and swinging it open as she turns her head back to Nick. "No, it's huge."

Nick grabs the corner of the door behind Adeline, keeping it open for her to walk out before stepping out after her. "Not as huge as your ass."

"Arse" she corrects, bringing her left hand up and curling every finger except her index one which points up to the ceiling. "Arse, Nick."

"Oh, sorry" he replies sarcastically, closing the bedroom door over and walking towards the front door of the Homestead. "Next time I try to insult you, I'll be sure to use your lingo."

"That's all I ask" Adeline giggles as she steps out of the shabby building and into the binding sunlight. She immediately brings her hand up to her forehead, shielding her eyes. "What time is it?"

The leader steps beside her, stuffing his hands in his pockets and squinting his eyes. "Almost six."

Adeline twists her head around, her left hand still firmly pressed against her forehead. "Supper time? I've slept that long?"

"Yup" Nick responds, popping the 'p' slightly and bouncing up on his tiptoes. "You fell asleep just after lunch, didn't you?"

"Yea" the girl mutters, twisting her head back to face the Glade. "Are any of the runners back?"

"Minho is" the boy starts, taking a step forward and beginning to slowly walk towards the kitchen. "Don't worry, I told him you came back early."

The girl throws her hand down, quickly jumping over to Nick before keeping her footsteps in time with his. "Did you tell him why?"

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