Chapter 2

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3rd Person's POV

Kiyomasa stopped when he's about to swing the bat, and bowed.

"Good work, President" he bowed, smiling lightly.

"You've drawn the quite crowd" the blonde braided boy with a dragon tattoo stated.

"You sure are worked up, ain't ya?" he added.

"Hey hey Ken-chin, all my dorayaki is gone" the other blonde boy said, smiling while showing his hands signing that all the dorayaki is gone.

Everyone sweat-dropped at the whole situation.

"Hey, is that Y/N-chin??Ken-chin nee, look over there, it's Y/N-chin!!!!" I heard him squealed excitedly.

Oh dear lord, out of all situations.

He walked towards us while ignoring the person whose talking to him, waiting for him to notice the Akaishi boy badly.

"You're in the way, Mikey doesn't want to talk to a person he's not interested with" Draken said, following Mikey behind.

"Y/N-chin, what are you doing here? aren't you supposed to be in class?" he said, bringing his face closer to mine. I can't even look at him directly in the eyes.

"Ah oh, I'm just helping this kid out. You know, Kiyomasa was beating him mercilessly, so I helped him out." I explained to him, holding the beaten-up blonde kid's hand helping him.

I also saw Draken kicked Kiyomasa in the stomach.

Damn, that must've hurt as hell.

I dusted myself off before walking off the place to go back in my class.

"Is she seriously walking off like nothing happened?"

"She literally almost got killed Kiyomasa earlier"

"The hell's with that girl"

I heard them gossiped about me.

"Isn't it disrespectful to talk about the person who's still here. You can't all wait until I'm gone to gossip about me huh?" I shot a smirk while turning around.

"My my, your hearing sense is still as clear as water huh mushroom" Draken said, looking down at me.

"You're the one to talk, baldy" I shot back, earning wide eyes from the crowd.

"Aaaw, you two are making me jealous. What am I here, an extra?" Mikey said, pouting.

"Go complain to that maggot who's trying to run away after making her little show here ya know" Draken said, putting his hands on his hips.

"If you don't stop making nicknames right now you egg, I'm going to leave Toman" I said jokingly, but in a serious tone.

He tensed up a little bit, but smiled and shoot me with another word back.

"My my, being feisty again aren't we?I know you know that you can't live without us" he said proudly.

As we were busy arguing with each other, Mikey was making another friend. He befriended the blonde boy earlier.

"Boy aren't you all being full of yourselves huh? Who said I can't live without all of you?" I said while walking infront of Draken, pointing at him and Mikey.

"Are we going to fight each other right now?" he said, getting ahold of his laugh.

"You bald bitch" I spat at him

"Eh? What? What did you say? You like me?" he said teasingly.

"I don't like bald people you know" I mumbled, waiting for his reaction.

"I'm not totally bald though, as you can see I still do have hair" he said again, not letting go the fact that he's bald

"Come on Draken, acceptance is the key. Just accept the fact that you're bald, right Manjiro?" I asked Mikey, who's sitting on the dirt.

"Buy me dorayaki, I'll agree with you" he said, smiling at me

"Okay then" I agreed

"Y/N-chin is correct, you should accept the fact that you are bald Ken-chin" he said, high-fiving me.

"You both are pain in the ass" Draken stated, turning his head away from us, obviously being pissed off.

We both laughed at him, as the whole crowd sweat-dropped at the whole conversation we had.

"Oh and Kiyomasa, you should not drag Toman's name on some stupid underground fighting shits okay? That will just give a bunch of dirt to us" I said, walking towards him and offering my hands to help him stand up.

He slapped my hands away, putting his pride up again.

"Did you just reject someone's help?" Draken asked him as an irked appeared on his temple.

"Ara ara, aren't you being an ungrateful person?" Mikey asked, walking towards me and Kiyomasa.

He held Kiyomasa close to his face by holding his hair.

"Do you know whose help you are rejecting?" he said, staring at Kiyomasa directly in the eyes while punching him.

"We can't afford having a member on Toman who doesn't even respect one of the heads of toman" he said, still punching him, but quickly stopped when he saw him unconscious.

Everyone stared at me with wide eyes, still can't believe that I'm one of the heads of Toman.

Damn same, I can't even remember earlier that I'm still a member of Toman.

"Stop that now Manjiro. Oh and by the way, I gotta go now. Oh and you blonde boy, what's your name?" I said all in one, before running slowly to go back at my class.

"H-Hanagaki Takemichi" he said, while bowing.

"Okay then, see you later!! Also Draken, especially you Mikey, don't go around this place just to beat some people okay!!" I shouted at them, running back to the school.

"Okay Mom!!!!!!" Draken shouted back and laugh.

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