Chapter 51

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3rd Person's POV

Months have passed, Y/N was finally improving just like Keisuke. She did grow but an specific characteristic on her didn't die, her bubbliness. Those months became tougher for the two, the rumor circulated faster that Hiroki and Ayato didn't had enough power to stop it, it seems like someone is so desperate on letting everyone know the big news.

Almost every member of the clan didn't want the decision that Ayato had, saying that she was not even one of the candidates on being the next head, worse was the blood of L/N was partially flowing on her body. Discrimination at hatred was thrown to the girl, but her brother was also suffering from it, carrying the heavy burden with her as they continued their lives inside that hell.

Seiji eyed Ayato from afar as he sat the opposite direction from Y/N. The girl giggling as she conversed with Keisuke along with Yuta, their other cousin. Feeling his palms sweating because of the knife he was holding for a while now, waiting for a perfect timinv to pounce on Ayato.

"There are many other candidates for the next head, and out of all that people, you chose that insolent fucking rascal?" he mumbled to his self as he stared at Y/N.

"Dad, what are you doing there?" a voice made him straight his back, hiding the knife on his hand as he met his son's blank face.

"Pa, you should choose who is your favorite from the three of us!!" the blonde haired boy shouted, causing Ayato to burst into laughter.

"Why would you say that, you know already who I would choose. You are just hurting yourself, Yu-kun" Ayato stretched out his arm, ruffling the boy's hair as Hiroki smiled.

"It is me right!!? I'm your favorite right!!?" the boy continued.

"Of course it is..." Ayato mumbled, looking over at Y/N who is sipping her juice.

"Y/N" he added in a low voice as Keisuke jumped out of joy.

"See, I told you!!! Now give me back my 32 yen, I win our bet you dumbass" he smirked, looking down at Yuta who is glaring back at him and forth to Y/N.

Ayato laughed at the scene in front of him, at last, he have this kind of great grandchildren. A kind of great grandchildren who doesn't care about the position he was about to give up and give to someone someday. The three of them is the kind of kid who just wanted to enjoy their lives to the fullest, but they are stuck at this kind of family. A family that is full of dirty backgrounds and bloody deeds.

The old man doesn't even know why he chose Y/N. He just thought she could change the clan, clean the once was a dirty name into a pure one, but what he didn't knew was he put that heavy task on her shoulder. A clueless kid who doesn't even know anything about yakuza, was put in a place she was not supposed to be in.

Time flew by so fast as the three decided to leave Ayato, saying they would just play out in the garden. But before they could even leave, Ayato asked Hiroki to escort them.

"Those kids, watch them. They might run out of the house again and come back with some random animal" he mumbled, looking at the three figures leaving his room.

"The last time you let them by theirselves, Keisuke snuck a baby snake inside his room" he added, massaging his temples as he remembered that day. Hiroki just bowed without saying anything, leaving the old man on his own.

As soon as Hiroki left, a knock was heard on his door.

"Come in" mumbling those words without even looking who is outside.

Seiji was determined on what he was about to do. Making sure he locked the door before getting fully inside.

"Seiji? What brought you here?" asked by the old man, not giving his son any glance.

He stayed quiet for a while before he started to march towards Ayato. Feeling the unusual act of Seiji, he looked towards his direction as he was met by a stab on his stomach.

Before he could even make any sound, Seiji put his other hand on Ayato's mouth as he kept on stabbing him. Not seeing the figure of the girl who was watching the scene with fear in her eyes.

Ayato, who was still conscious despite being pooled on his own blood turned to look over at Y/N. Their pupils meeting at a time like this seems like a conversation of their eyes, more like a telepathy.

His eyes were telling her to leave and run. Seiji saw how focused Ayato on looking at the side of the door despite the multiple stab he was making, turning his head over where he was looking, seeing the Y/N watching him how he does his work.

"Just on time, you pest" he mumbled with anger on his voice, striding towards her place, the knife was still in his hand. The girl quickly opened the door, trying to leave as soon as she saw how the man made his move towards her. But before she could even took a step outside, her hair was pulled inside, throwing her on the other side of the room as her head hit the wall.

Dizziness was consuming her body, but still she stood up and made her way towards Ayato, looking down at his body who almost looked like a wood which was nailed multiple times. Holding his head slowly as she put him on her thigh, carefully tapping his cheeks despite the pain she was feeling. Blood drizzled down on her forehead as she tried to stay awake incase Ayato got his consciousness back.

"Papa, wake up"

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