Chapter 34

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3rd Person's POV

Heavy panting and hard huffing was the only thing that Y/N can felt and hear as she ran. Just the thought of Keisuke leaving her side was worse, what's more when he dies?

She can feel her knees weakening but chose to ignore it. The beads of sweats was visible in her state as many people watched her like she was a lunatic.

As she run heading to the junkyard, the fight was seem to be endless as it look likes on someone else's point of view. You can feel the intense aura that was surrounding them as they attack each other like there's no tomorrow.

"YOU'RE DEAD!!!" Kazutora shouted as he swung a metal rod to Mikey's head causing him to fell down.

Everyone watched with shocked eyes as they eyed the now slumped body of the 'Invincible Mikey' on one of the cars.

The two captains of Valhalla together with Kazutora stared down at Mikey with somehow victory looking expressions on their faces.

"Valhalla has won" Kazutora mumbled as he looked at everyone, that line made Mikey irritated as he stood up.

"Tell me one thing Kazutora, am I your enemy?" Mikey asked as he looked at him, eye to eye.

Kazutora was taken back at the sudden question, making him quiet for a while as he spaced out a bit.

"I suffered because of you. You're the reason why I went to juvie, so it's obvious you'd be my enemy!!" Kazutora exclaimed as he held the metal rod tight.

"I will eliminate anything that gets in my way. Did you know Mikey? Someone who kills people is called villain, but someone who kills enemies is called a hero!!!" he added as he looked like portraying the headless angel, spreading both of his arms as if it was his wings, while his head was turning on the opposite, looking at Mikey while saying those.

Kazutora got down to Mikey's place as he pointed the rod at him.

"Hold him steady" he ordered the two as he swung the metal left and right as blood from Mikey splurted all over the place.

Everyone watched with shocked eyes and a defeated look on their faces, just by watching Kazutora playing dirty made them looked so pitiful.

Everything slowly became blurry as exhaustion and stress filled Y/N's body. Her feet were now both weak as she slowed her pace, not seeing the car approaching her.

The impact caused her body to flew not too far from the car as her head hit the ground, but her body was almost immune to every pain.

She got stabbed, hit in the head and almost everything so what's a pain a bear right?

The driver got out of the car, panicking as she checked on Y/N.

"Oh my god, are you okay? I'll take you to the hospital--" Y/N cutted her off quickly as she shook her head.

"No, No. I'm fine" she reassured her as she stood up.

Everyone that saw the whole thing gasped at her state. Blood was oozing down on her head, also on her nose and wounds are all over her arms. But what shocked them the most was her pain tolerance.

Was it really pain tolerance? Or she just want to stop something that's why she's not minding the pain?

"No, honey I insist. Look at your state--oh my---" Y/N didn't let her finish again as she quickly ran out of the scene, storming to the junkyard.

There was only one thing she want and need to do.

"This won't stop me from stopping that dumbass"

please omg this is so short, but idc

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