Chapter 33

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3rd Person's POV

The fight suddenly broke into a full brawl as they ran towards each other, either punching or kicking the opposing gang down as they look for one another.

Out of their members fighting against each other, Mikey stood there while facing Kazutora, waiting for him to attack him.

"MIKEY!!!! YOU'RE DEAD!!!!" Kazutora shouted before launching a punch.

Before the punch could even land on Mikey, Draken suddenly popped out, letting his arms receive it instead.

"You're 100 years early to be putting your hands on Mikey!!!"

After Draken said that, Hanma also appeared in front of them, kicking Draken out of the scene where Kazutora was facing Mikey.

"HAYAYAHA, your opponent is me Draken" Hanma laughed as he looked as Draken.

"Fine by me, Hanma" Draken mumbled as soon as Hanma stopped attacking him.

"I'll leave Mikey to you, Kazutora" Hanma turned to look at Kazutora, the grin on his mouth was not leaving at all.

"Let's have some fun, Vice-captain" Hanma muttered as he plastered a wider grin at the person in front of him.

"Gladly!! It looks like I'm finally gonna get all out!!" Draken exclaimed as he prepped his knuckles.

The fight between the two started as Kazutora and Mikey faced each other without any nuisance around them.

"Mikeeey!!! I've been waiting for this day forever!!!" Kazutora smirked as he looked at Mikey straight in the eye.

"I'm not gonna go easy on you, Kazutora" Mikey muttered plainly.

While the brawl was firing up at the junkyard, Y/N was just walking on the busy streets of Tokyo, contemplating every decisions she have made as the broad daylight reflected on her.

Her eyes suddenly landed on her watch as she sighed.

"The fight must be starting now huh?" she mumbled to herself as she brought her head down again.

"Should I get my stuff while the fight was still ongoing? or wait for it to finish?" she asked herself as she looked up at the blue tinted sky.

"Fuck it, it's better to get those this early than wait for them to finish" she finally made up her mind as she walked back to where she came from, slightly running as she huffed slightly.

The rays of the sun shine through where she was headed. Not minding the people that kept on staring at her, Y/N finally saw their street as she breathe heavily, beads of sweat all over her body as she bent down.

She walked down slowly until she arrived their house, staring for a while at the door as what happened those night flashed back at her, making her have second thoughts.

"Why am I being like this?" she muttered as she slowly twisted the knob, making her have a way inside. The silence inside made her shiver as she turned on the lights.

As the lights were finally turned on, her eyes suddenly fell on the picture frame beside the dining table. It was a picture of the Baji siblings with their Uncle Hideo, grinning widely as they looked at the camera.

It was taken on Keisuke's 10th birthday as she have recalled, smiling painfully as she caressed the glass-framed photo.

"His birthday is three days from now huh? I wonder who he's going to celebrate with" she said as she headed towards her room. The dark setting inside did not shocked her at all, just the blinding light coming out of the window.

After getting inside, she did not do anything there instead, she started to pack her things up quietly. Clothes and things scattered all over the floor as she stared down at them.

"This shit will be a full goddamn work" she stated as she sighed loudly.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, Hanma" Draken mumbled after he devoured most of the Valhalla's member that were getting on the way.

"Hey now, are you gonna be okay? You're all worn out aren't ya'?" Hanma asked with a teasing tone as Draken just smirked.

"That was just the warm-up" he answered as he looked at him making Hanma's eyes twitch.

Mikey on the other hand while chasing Kazutora as they both climbed up the compiled cars.

"KAZUTORAAA!!! WHY ARE YOU JUST RUNNING!!?" Mikey yelled as Kazutora turned to his back.

Before Mikey could even arrive the top, a bald man suddenly came out of nowhere and kicked him, making Mikey fell on one of the car's roof.

"What's the matter Mikey!? You're already on your knees?" Kazutora exclaimed as he looked down at Mikey.

"Hot damn, he even managed to block our surprise attack?" the bald man from earlier asked with a slight amusement on his voice.

"This guy is tough, be careful Chombo" the man with a spiral designed hair said plainly, also looking down at Mikey.

"Kazutora, you can't take me on one-on-one?" Mikey asked as his eyes darkened slightly.

"One-on-one? Who ever said anything about that?" Kazutora answered as he smiled.

Y/N finally finished packing everything as she sighed loudly.

"Just how many times did I sighed this day?" she asked herself as she wiped her sweat off of her forehead.

"Time to leave now, I guess" she muttered as she stood up carrying her things. Before she could even leave the room, her gaze was suddenly captured by the white paper hanging beside her bed, looking so suspicious.

Being intrigued as she is, she picked it without any hesitation and started to unfold it. The wrong spellings and hard to understand words was the first things she saw, making her have an idea who wrote it.

"You're really dumb at writing anything" she mumbled as she squinted her eyes, trying to understand the first word.

Her heart suddenly stopped as soon as she read it clearly.

"Oi Y/N, if you're seeing this right now I'm probably dead or injured..." she muttered with a low voice as she clenched the paper.

She stormed outside her room, running nonstop and trying not to pant at all while her heart was racing as hell. Her eyes teared up slightly as she run and mumbling the words,

"That damn fool"

This was even funnier in my mind BAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH

This was even funnier in my mind BAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH

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