[mon] coin of fate.

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Y/n L/n

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Y/n L/n. A very shy girl but very sweet and kind she's very reliable and trustworthy person she doesn't talk much because of her shy personality but that doesn't stop her from having friends. Despite being shy and rarely talks she can't decided on things on her own without her coin she would flip the coin to the air and catch it if the coin lands on heads it's a yes if the coin lands on tails it's a no

People question her about it but she would just shrug and smile at them believe it or not being a shy girl in a demon school and in hell was a bit challenging but luckily she isn't the only exchange student and the only human, she would hang out with the angels and the human sorcerer for only a short amount of them before someone would steal her away from them

She like hanging out with the exchange students but she prefer hanging out with her best friend, mammon. They would hang out almost every day, walking to RAD together, eat lunch together and would cuddle eachother when they would watch a movie or take a nap they were the best of friends and nothing could ruin that.

"Hey human!" Mammon shouted from across the hall "Hm..?" Y/n turn around to see mammon running up to her "oi, wanna eat lunch together?" He ask with a grin y/n look down for a second taking her coin out of her pocket looking up at him again and throwing the coin up in the air y/n catching the coin before it falls to the ground, Heads, she look at him with a smile and nodded even though they were best of friends she still let the coin decided her answer

Mammon smile and held her hand dragging her to the cafeteria "Y'know.. you should really decide on your own and not depend on the coin.. you never knew where you would decide more complicated ones.. ah, anyways we here! Go find a seat for us I'll go get us lunch, my treat" She smile and nodded letting go of his hand and finding a place to seat the cafeteria was crowded with students and almost all the tables were already full but she still search for a table. After 2mins of searching she found a two seat for her and mammon so she sat down and waited for mammon a couple minutes past he arrived with two tray of food

"Here ya' go!" He places the food of tray infront of her as he sat down next to her with his tray of food "Thanks.." she whispered which mammon replied with a smile as he started to eat his food she faintly smile back. After lunch the two went back to their classes waving goodbye and walking the opposite direction despite being best friend with a greedy demon she didn't regret being his friend but lately she has been hearing rumors about his best friend liking her she was surprise at first and wanted to ask him

But she couldn't find the courage to tell him, she'll flip the coin so many times before, deciding is she should but it always lands on tails. Hearing this rumors made her stomach felt like there's butterflies and her heart would beat faster than usual while listening to her teacher she can't help but think about the rumors 'Maybe.. it's fake.. I mean it's just rumors.. I don't think his into stuff like that.. he's mostly focus on money.. rather than love..' she thought deeply sighing

She know deep inside of her she loved mammon more than anything but she buried it thinking it was all a mistake falling for her best friend. RAD ends, students and teachers started packing up their stuff getting ready to go home while y/n was still packing up her stuff until she felt a tap on her shoulder, she stop and look at the person who tap her "Hello y/n." It's Simeon, y/n nodded with a smile which he smiled back "Are you going home already?" She nodded going back packing her stuff "I see.. I was wondering if you would accompany me at the library even just for a while. There's this book that like wanted me to get i was on my way there when I saw you so I thought maybe a little company wouldn't hurt.. that is if you would like to?" He genuinely smile waiting patiently for her answer

She was done packing and thought for a second before sliding her hand on her pocket and pulling out a coin flipping it in the air and catching it before it falls opening her palm seeing heads she put her coin back in her pocket and getting her backpack looking at Simeon with a nod he smiled and walk out of her classroom with her following behind.

"So, you've heard?" Simeon whispered walking around the library "mhm.." y/n only hum in response "Did he confess?" Y/n shook her head "I.. don't think.. he would think.. as me like.. that" she whispered Simeon only smile as he pull out a book "Here it is. We should get going I'll walk you home." Simeon offer with a charming smile she smiled back and pull out her coin flipping it and catching it, Tails, it says y/n look at simeon with a bitter smile shaking her head side to side

Simeon, who understood smiled at her "Alright then. Na.. y/n, see you tomorrow?" Simeon said waving goodbye before walking away while y/n wave back at him, she walk out of the library walking through the hallways of RAD and to the exit "oi, human! Where ya'been?!" Mammon ask her next to the exit "library." She plainly replied waving him off and exiting RAD "H-hey!! Don't go without me!".

It was beginning to be late at devildom as the two was still walking through the street none of them talk and just walk in silence "... Hey y/n.." Y/n took a glance at him seeing his face was blushing "hm..?" She hum "I want.. to a-ask you s-something.. b-but not here.." Mammon who was nervous took her hand and started walking in a different direction into the woods

Y/n who didn't utter a word kept silent and just let him drag her ".. we are a-almost there.. do you.. trust me?" Mammon stop letting go of her hand looking directly at her "huh..?" She look confused "Do you trust me?" Mammon repeated his question holding on to her hand again y/n nodded slowly "Good. C'mon" mammon started walking hand to to hand through the woods.

Few moments past by until mammon stop again "Were here..." He let go of her hand taking few steps away from her "Woah.." y/n gasp quietly seeing a cute little picnic with fireflies as light and a cute little lighting around "D-do you.. like it..?" Mammon who was blushing look at her she smiled and nodded

She walks towards the little picnic and sat down patting beside her while looking at mammon. Mammon walk slowly and sat down next to her "This place is beautiful.." she whispered softly leaning her head in Mammon's shoulder "Thank you." She added with a smile "Ah.. o-oh.." mammon nodded nervously "I w-wanted.. to tell you something.. about the rumors.." Y/n quickly raise up her head from his shoulder and lower his head down "About that i-" "mammon.. you don't have to say it." Y/n cut him off looking at him with a frown "... I know the rumors fake and we're here to discuss that it's all fake. Mammon you might not realize it but I.. love you.." she lower her voice to a whisper at the end of her sentence mammon heard and was a bit shocked

"I love you since forever.. we're best friends.. I know. It's weird to confess to you best friend and would ruin it.. but I just.. wanted to tell you.. I'm sorry.. l-lets go hom--" she was about to stand up until mammon grab her wrist pulling down smashing his lips to her and pulling her waist to deepen the kiss, after a minute of making out he pull away "Y/n. I love you. I love you so much and I wouldn't care if this ruin our friendship cause I don't wanna be friends with you anymore.. I wanna be more than that.." Mammon peck her lips y/n who was blushing intensely smiled "I love you too mammon.."

".. would you like to go out with me.. and be my girlfriend..?" He ask nervously with a blush, y/n pushed him back looking at him with a blush and pull out her coin ".. Let the coin decide." She softly said she then flip the coin in the air catching it before it falls to the ground she open her palms for her view only, Tails. She put the coin back to her pocket and smile at him "Yes."


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