[greed] money or me?

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! pt2 !

"Choose Now."

The human shouted not caring for those who is witnessing the fight "[ name ], let's talk outside.. your embarrassing me.." The demon whispered grabbing a hold of the Human's wrist

[ name ] yank his hand away from her "No. Give me an answer right here right now" the human said sternly "I ain't answering that until we get out" mammon said a bit irritated "That's all you care about don't you mammon?.." she look away with tears starting to form in her eyes "All you care about is money... You didn't actually cared for me.." she pushed by mammon out of the way and started running to the exit

Asmo and beel looked at each other with a nod as Asmo run following the human to the exit while Mammon was about to chase the human when beel block him with a look of disappointed. The casino went quite and soon after the it was full of gossip and whispering

" Poor girl..."

" Why would mammon do that? "

" Do mammon even love her..? "

" I feel sorry for the girl.. "

Whispers we're heard by the two brothers "Get out of the way beel, I n-need to talk to [ name ]" mammon spoke "I'm sorry mammon, but we're not letting you get close to [ name ], You should think of what you did and maybe [ name ] will talk to you"

Beel replied with a disappointed expression before turning around and walking away leaving mammon with a dumbfounded face and tears forming in his eyes. Mammon finally went home seeing his brothers with look of disappointment "Wow finally the scumbag went home.. tch.." Leviathan scoffed angrily "What..?"

"Don't act so innocent now mammon, we know what you did and what you did to [ name ] we cannot forgive." Satan stated with anger building up inside of him, ready to explode at any moment

The demon looked down with embarrassment and guilt "Ohh now the bastard is ashamed of what he did huh I thought the Great mammon never get ashamed guess I was Wrong" belphegor snap with a angry tone

"That's enough!"

Lucifer spoke. Few scoff and tch was heard before the room went quite "I expected for you to look after and protect [ name ] at the first place, right mammon?" Mammon looked up seeing a pissed off Lucifer an angry Satan, belphie and Levi "And yet you failed to do a simple thing, I wish I had choose someone more reliable and suitable for the job and not you" Lucifer paused looking directly at his brother "You love her right? Then give the answer she wants."

After that the four left leaving mammon burst out sobbing and falling to the floor "I'm sorry.." mammon said between sobs in the other hand Asmo and beel was comforting the crying human

"It's alright dear, Don't cry it doesn't suit you!" Asmo said as he wipe away the tears "a beautiful princess never cries so sweetie don't cry, we're here for you okay?" Asmo gave the human a warm hug

"I will beat the shit out of that bastard later..." Asmo quitely mumble stroking the humans hair while keeping her in his arms "Don't worry [ name ], we will protect you"

[ present ]

Mammon still didn't knew what he will answer, he keep himself lock up on his room only coming out for RAD And food. Everytime he sees [ name ] with his brothers he just wanted to push them away from her and keep her to himself but he knew it was selfish and beside he knew he did something that hurt his own human

"[ name ].. can we t.. talk..?" Mammon shutter looking down at his feet while he spoke so quitely to the girl infront of him with his brothers at her side "Sorry but [ name ] doesn't wanna spea-" Asmo was cut off by [ name ] shaking her head side to side

She cleared her throat and spoke "Okay.. come on.." the human grab the demon's arm dragging him to somewhere quite and leaving the 6 brothers in the hallway looking at them from a distance

As soon they we're completely alone "I'm sorry.." "sorry isn't the answer I want to hear mammon... Look at me" [ name ] grab Mammon's chin look up at her "I know your the avatar of greed but it doesn't mean that you need to ditch your date for that and won't care for the person you love. If you truly love me then give me an answer. Money or me?"

Mammon keep silent just looking at her in the eyes with hot tears slowly streaming down on his cheek. [ name ] let go of his chin and sigh "Talk to me if you have a proper answer." She sigh disappointed and was about to walk away when mammon stop her

"W-wait..."mammon paused for a minute "... I'm sorry.. I haven't been the b-best.. and your r-right.. I shouldn't have ditch our date.. and I also know money can't buy your love.. I'm sorry.. I shouldn't have done that.. i.." Mammon took process before speaking again "I.. choose you.. your more valuable than money and more precious than any other.. please don't.. leave me.."

The human was satisfied with the answer, her mouth slowly forming a warm smile while she hug the demon with tears "I wouldn't leave you mammon.." the demon couldn't take it anymore as he hug back and burst out sobbing

"I forgive you mammon, I love you. "

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