[pride] see you again.

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! c o l l a b !

" Lucifer sat in front of the piano, playing the same song, [ name ] and him danced to. His fingers glided through the piano as he hits the notes precisely.

The cold empty room suddenly bursted with colours, and there he sees the dancing figures. His Ruby red eyes darted to him and [ name ], Dancing so freely and happily, Living in their own little fantasy

The music slowly stop as [ name ] looked at him with their eyes twinkling like stars above. The dancing figures slowly disappeared and the music came to a stop.

The kiss on the end so lovingly and warm. The exchange of I Love You's as they looked at eachother so fondly

Yet the kiss didn't come while the I Love You's wasn't heard, as lucifer sat there infront of the piano. Hot tears rolling down his place cheeks, helplessly whispering I Love You with no reply. "

It's been a year since the human left with the brothers in depressed. The brothers felt sadness over the lost of their human and now that the human was gone they feel nothing but sadness.

They grew a lovely strong bond together that the brothers would do anything to make the human stay with them. The brothers was devastated and was too depressed to do a thing but Lucifer was more devastated and depressed than them

They knew that their Older brother and the human had a closer and more stronger bond than them and more lovingly bond with each other. They knew they had a relationship and the brothers understand their older brother pain.

As for Lucifer.. he didn't knew that, that was the last dance, The last touch, the last kiss, and the last I love you was heard from the angelic voice of his human. Lucifer couldn't cope with the pain anymore, He already lost his beloved sister and he won't accept that he also lost his Love

The brothers saw the whole scene, seeing the human unconscious and lifelessly on the floor with a pool of blood seeing how a student demon devoured the human in hunger

The brothers was fuming in anger as they surrounded the human protectively even though they knew she was now gone. Lucifer's legs was trembling as he was shaking so badly from anger and sadness

He slowly bend down to the human with hot tears streaming down his cheeks as he sob helplessly whispering

"Please.. Don't leave me.."

He moved closer to the body, hugging the cold dead body of his lover

"Please.. please.. don't leave me.."

While he broke down sobbing, hugging and whispering sweet nothings to her dead lover.

"You said.. you'll never leave me right? Right!?"

"Please.. wake up.. I'm begging you.."

"I love you.. please.. don't leave me.."

Seeing as their older brother cried so much for the human made their heart break into pieces knowing too well that The human was important to lucifer and not only him but also his brothers

Soon they all broke down around the dead body of their beloved human not caring their clothes get stain with blood as they continue to sob loudly.

3 years had past since the death of Lucifer's lover, they slowly moved on and continue with their everyday life routine. Since that day they blame themselves for not protecting her, they blame themselves for being too careless, they truly felt depressed.

While Lucifer's brothers continue with their everyday routine, Lucifer didn't felt the same, a whole new lucifer was now seen through his brother's eyes and not only to his brothers but also to the students in RAD, the angels and even the prince and great butler

Lucifer still couldn't accept that she was gone andy0 blame himself for her death and for not protecting her. Lucifer was slowly dying inside thinking of the past and seeing the human cold dead in the ground broke his heart and everything part of him

But he learn to let go and move on but he will never let go of the fact that he will love (y/n) forever and will never be replaced by anyone

" I love you (y/n)... See you soon. "

♡ , authors note !

- Collab story with this amazing person on amino!!They shared their story and I thought it was really cool to do a collab so I ask permission first before making this story with their story added!

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