[brt] happy birthday.

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Y/n was a ordinary human with a extremely chaotic life living in devildom for a year because of a program she was sign up

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Y/n was a ordinary human with a extremely chaotic life living in devildom for a year because of a program she was sign up.

"Thank you sir, come again." With a smile she waved at her customer as the customer wave back with a smile exiting the store "Ah... Yes, it's closing time.." she stretches her arms a yawn escaping her lips "Alright, clean up time!" Y/n manage to find a job at a local store nearby RAD so after her time at RAD she goes to her part-time job.

Y/n has been looking for a part-time job for about a month now since she can't keep relying on the brothers to get her needs but she still hasn't found a job or get hired because of the School RAD Rule

" A student shall not have a job without the approval of The Lord , himself. He will see if the student is stable to handle a job and can keep up with their studies on RAD. The students shall be given 2weeks trial working and also keeping up with their studies. "

Y/n never told anyone even the brothers that she was looking for a job because she didn't wanted to bother them as their schedule are all booked and so they are all busy.

One day while y/n was looking around the town for a job until she stumble across a small cute café she decided she needed a break since she has been searching for almost 2 hours now while entering the small café she notice a sign on the window of the shop that they were hiring

She went inside and ordered before she goes look for a seat she took a flyer on the counter and went to look for a seat, 5 minutes has past she was sitting with her favorites devildom drink and while looking at the flyer that says "Hiring waitress" thinking to herself if she should apply for the job

Deep in thought she didn't heard the tapping on her table "ehem..? Y/n..?" The person spoke which brought the human girl back to reality looking up and seeing Barbatos she smiled and wave at him gesturing him to sit down

He sat down infront of her and they started chatting "So what are you doing here?" She ask taking a sip on her drink "Oh, it is my day off.. I took a small walk around the town when I saw you through the window" Their chit-chat continue on laughing and having fun

Barbatos figure out that y/n was finding a job and decided to help her so the next day y/n was called by Lord Diavolo, y/n knew why and the training started. She passed those 2 weeks keeping up with her studies and work so she was given a certificate and she decided to apply on the same café,

She started working after she was hired, She can finally have extra money for her needs and for a present.

"Y/n." Her boss spoke entering the café she stood up straight dusting herself "Yes boss?" She replied politely "Here.." He gave her a envelope which she took and glance at her boss confuse "You work hard so you deserve it." gettin' more confuse she open the envelope revealing quite a lot of money,

She stood there a surprise expression plastered on her face "T-this is so much.. I can't possibly take this.." she closed the envelope with the money in it, she was surprise by the amount of money she was given despite it's only been a month since she started working

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