[blz] the way you are.

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! s e n t i v e  c o n t e n t !

! s e n t i v e  c o n t e n t !

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"No one will ever love me... Or accept who i am.."

"They'll just pity me."

Y/n was lying down on her bed with tears streaming down both of her cheeks while her expression was emotionless "Idiot..." she whispered to herself before getting up wiping her tears. It's been a week since she stop hanging out with the brothers or anyone, she's been isolating herself from people, barely talking and barely eating anything

The reason she isolated herself and hide is because of what happened last week. She was having a good day at RAD walking through the hall with luke until some mean girl walk up to her "Oh hey ugly pig.. I see you've got even.. fatter.." y/n was already insecure about her weight back when she was still on the human realm she was also bullied back then

Y/n awkwardly smiling and scratching the back of her head "Ew.." the girl rolled her eyes while laughing at her Luke glared at the girl completely piss off while the girl just look at him with a evil smirk "Aw, what a cute chihuahua" she laugh leaving them be

Luke angrily glare at her while she walk away as he turn his attention to y/n he saw her head low with tears streaming down on both of her cheeks hugging herself "Y/n.." Luke change his expression to a soft and concern one ".. Don't listen to what she said to you, your beautiful just the way you are"

Luke tried to comfort her "it's fine.." She gave a sad smile "It's true anyways.." "Y/n-" "I'll be leaving now, Bye Luke" and with that she patted his head and speed walk past him luke was left there very concerned for the human while he stared at her figure slowly disappearing

As y/n was walking around the halls with her head down low and with teary eyes she had bump into someone "S-sorry.." she sniffle not looking up "Y/n?" Y/n didn't answer nor look up as she knows that if he saw her in that state he would ask questions and will blame for himself for not being there for her she didn't want her precious beel to be saying sorry for not being with her she knows he also got things to handle

"Y/n..." A warm pair of arms was now around the female's fragile body "Are you okay?" He question very worried she just sniffle and return the warm embrace. No words were said just a warm embrace from eachother. She then felt herself being lifted up bridal style she then finally look at beel while he was looking back at her with a small worried smile

She felt warm liquid on her cheeks lifting her hand to touch her cheeks she didn't notice she had been crying when beel hug her until now, she was too busy overthinking things with tears still streaming down she didn't beel asking her "Y/n..?" He notice the girl was deep in thought so he frown leaning a bit to kiss her forehead as she felt the girl jolted up a little

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