[lust] idiot.

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[ name ], A female human with [H/C] and [H/L] hair despite being a female she never really act like one, she mostly act like a boy more than her own kind but that doesn't change that she is proud of being a female being

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[ name ], A female human with [H/C] and [H/L] hair despite being a female she never really act like one, she mostly act like a boy more than her own kind but that doesn't change that she is proud of being a female being. She would wear boy clothing rather than girl clothing, She feels too uncomfortable and too girly when she wears girl clothing

Despite that she's boyish she never failed to put on a charm to make people like her or more than that including The Avatar Of Lust, Asmodeus. The demon found himself attract to the boyish human. [ name ] was fully aware of her surroundings and the people around her knowing that even she wasn't really doing anything for people(demon) to like her, she was still still liked which led to the boyish human in confusion.

She know that The Avatar Of Lust was also attract to her let alone attached to her, she wasn't sure why the demon was attach to her when there's nothing special about her but asmo thought otherwise. There was a rumour that was spreading across the devildom that Diavolo was hosting a party at the Demon Lord Castle and everyone was invited but in one condition

That the clothing was decided that it would be formal, All males in a tuxedo and all the females in a dress or a gown. The human was against this party and didn't wanted to go because of the clothing code

She didn't wanted to wear a dress and rather wear a tuxedo. She complain to lucifer that she didn't wanted to go as she didn't wanted to wear a dress but lucifer wouldn't give it what the human wanted. The Human was pissed and told Lucifer that she didn't wanted to come and that she would rather stay in the house of lamention

Before lucifer could even protest about what the human said, she was already at the door, exiting and quickly shutting it behind her. She was so pissed off that she wanted to punch someone but she knew if she did she will be in great trouble and she didn't want that so she stomp her way to her room with a pissed off expression

But little did the human and Lucifer knew that someone overheard everything they've talk about

Asmodeus can't help but agree to lucifer that the human to wearing a dress, while overhearing the conversation he wanted to see the human in a dress and wanted to see her body curve so he thought of a plan to make female wear a dress and make her come with the

He quickly run to [ name ]'s room, knocking first before entering. Asmo still have respect, as he kept knocking it but she didn't answered, he knock several times but no answer he pressed his ear against the door hoping to hear some sort of sound, a sleeping sound, shower running, or any sort of sound just to make sure she was in her room.

He heard quite cursing and grunts so he knock again. This time speaking "[ name ]..?" He spoke softly knocking on the door she grunted and curses before he heard shuffling noises, he then soon saw the door open seeing the human with a pissed off expression "The hell you want?" The human rudely answer but Asmo just smiled and let himself in "I overheard your conversation with luci~ why wouldn't you wear a dress~? I'm sure you would look Wonderful!"

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