[pride] meant to be?

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" I guess we really are meant to be huh? "

It was when y/n first arrive at Devildom. She didn't even knew how she got there all she knew was she was picked to be an exchange student to where..? in devildom. That she didn't even knew existed "Welcome to the devidom y/n, you'll be staying here for a year" a tall black raven haired demon appeared infront of her extending his hand to shake hers

Y/n nodded letting go of his hand, Lucifer smirked which y/n looked away feeling her cheeks burn a bright red "Allow me to introduce myself.." He cleared his throat "I'm Lucifer. The first born and the avatar of pride"

Y/n nodded "Nice to meet you sir l-lucifer" she shutter at the end feeling her cheeks burn once more "Let's go, we got alot of exploring and introducing to do" Lucifer flash a small smile extending his hand and grabbing hers. The girl quitely walked with the demon with her face bright as a tomato while Lucifer had a small smirk seeing this made him satisfied

Hours turn into days and days turn into month with Lucifer and y/n becoming closer to each other with each passing hours, days and months "It's beautiful.. thank you luci" y/n looked at the object that was around her neck seeing a beautiful necklace with a blue peacock pendant. Lucifer became soft for the girl and wanted to make her feel special every passing day there was something about her that Lucifer truly love

Which he hardly cannot explain when he knew that there's 100 or more reason why he fell in love with the girl. Lucifer leaned down at her catching her lips as the girl gasp feeling both of their cheeks was red she soon kissed back loving the sweet tension between them. Both of them parted soon while their forehead was still connected " I love you y/n.. please be mine?" The girl smiled kissing his cheek "Are we meant to be..?"

It's finally the day..

I get to spend my life with her..

My happiness, my y/n.

Y/n was in a room with her best friend, bff/n and her mother, m/n. Knowing her father wasn't here with them but she knows her father is in a better place now, happy seeing her daughter grown up and getting married to the right person

She sigh sadly looking at her self in the mirror with a tear running down her cheek her mom and best friend look at her with a concern expression "It's going to be alright dear, Don't cry.." her mother spoke wiping the tear away from her cheek "Yeah Ghurl, it's your big day! And beside even if he isn't here to walk you down the isle.."

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