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This is my saving point. If I can get this out and it's successful then this will give me a reason.

You can probably figure out what the reason is for can't you reader. Or do I give you too much credit? Sometimes it feels like I am. You still havent cracked that code.


This gives me people to cater for. As long as I have something to do, then I'll have people to please so I can only do my best.

It may be weird but I'm friends with people who are better than me. They have so many more fans than me, maybe because theyre professionals and I'm an underground villain. Do they know I'm a villain? No. they don't need to know. I could easily be a hero with my quirk but it will be too easy. You'll see why later.

For now, I'll do this secret message and then leave the crime scene. The police still havent figured the code out but if you give it to a depressed teen reading this they'll figure it out soon enough. I'll have to up the difficulty maybe some lore behind the difficulty my point being theyre more competent than the police.

Now I can only wait for their replies. If they crack this one I will be impressed.

"Im home" I call out I can only expect one thing "where have you been? You were supposed to be home ages ago, what were you doing bumming somebody again you fag"

every time. "I werent fucking somebody-"

"alright no need to get snippy it seems like everyone in this house loves shouting at me," she says and storms off crying. Whatever its the same thing every day. At least she's calmer than usual.

Current song: Two trucks-Lemon Demon

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heyyyy, ok so. here's the plan with this book. i'm only going to post chapters when I have four ready to publish. right now I've got eight.

please don't expect much from this i'm trying my best I promise. just things might go wrong. terribly wrong. I hope you enjoy this book. it's based on my experiences so it'll be atad bit more intrestinger.

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