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Stain, they're getting close to your location, I don't think you should be out on your own anymore, let me or one of the newbies tag along"

"y/n If you're worried about me you obviously don't have faith and trust. But I understand where you're coming from. You can tag along tonight if it puts you at ease. Tonight's mission. Pro hero: Ingenium . just watch from the sidelines if everything goes wrong then you will have to step in. be my eyes. If there's any police or more heroes coming give the signal, do you still remember it?"

Oh wow, I didn't expect him to let me tag along. "I still remember. Just tell me when and we'll go"

"Why are we going after Ingenium?" I thought the iida family were genuine heroes. " he's been following me, trying to arrest and stop me" That makes sense now. "What are you going to do?"

"He doesn't break my morals, he's a fake hero so I'll kill him, we're not attacking the sports festival since the league of villains attacked the usj not so long ago. It'll be stupid if we did plus they're kids we have to find out their intentions. We'll know that soon." He knows his stuff I can't deny that.

"We leave in half an hour get ready" oh wow that's quicker than I expected.

"Oi, scarface. When I get back I want to talk" toga is right, I should attempt to know him. "Change of heart?"

"Shut up, I'm going"

Why does he look hot? Curse this shit.

I know this isn't going to go well. It's going to cause something and it's not going to be good. But I trust stain I have faith in him. All I need is a little reassurance. He'll be fine.

"You ready?" I nod and we make our way through the city sticking to the shadows. "They're on our trail" I inform stain. A sinister smirk forms on his face. "Just where we want them."

There's an obvious sound of someone giving orders. Shit, we're going to get caught. They've run past Thank me.

"Looks like I've struck gold" Stains cackles. "Another fake hero" he slashes them consuming their blood making them immobile.

At that moment another pro appears. "I've found you. Villain Hero killer!" You fucking what?

Ooooooh he meant stains. That's awfully confusing as he does have a villain name. Over the distance, I notice a few police cars. We need to go. I shine a light down there. That's our signal. We make quick business of the iida hero and get a safe distance away.

There's someone with us... A ghostly figure of some sort. I'll continue to stay in the shadows. I haven't been noticed and Stains will get me if there is something that needs doing.

When we get back to our building I finally ask the question I've been meaning to since I saw it. "What was that floaty bitch?"

"That was Kurogiri, he's a nomu. Created by one for all to protect his scared protege. If he was strong enough he wouldn't need a bodyguard... You're dismissed" There's more to this. I know there is. I'll have to do some research later.

"You wanted to talk?" A voice states behind me causing me to jump out of my skin. "Jesus fucking all might. Warn me next time dick waffle" he laughs in satisfaction. "Yes, I did. Now come with me two-tone" I grab his wrist and lead him to my area of the building.

"I haven't seen this area before" he states looking around. it's well kept than the rest. "That's because you guys are slobs. This is my private quarters. I do well to keep its sanctuary."

"Want a drink? I got Tea, Coffee or Captain Morgans." he opts for the last option. "SO. I realise we didn't get off on the right foot. Given your quirk, I don't want to be on the wrong side. Sooo... Friends?" I say offering his glass to him. "Friends?" he asks in disbelief.

"Yes, In due course we could be of value to each other, Your quirk lets you cremate people, buildings basically anything. My quirk lets me manipulate the air, the air pressure to do anything I wan-"

"OH MY LORDI LORD. Y/N FINALLY REVEALED HIS QUIRK!" Toga shouts. "What are you doing here Toga?" I look her dead in the eye. "OOOoooooh this is a serious talk. Well since I'm here. I'll come to join you. You know Dabi, you're very special. You're the first one y/n has actually told what his quirk does. He kept it a secret until now."

"And you'll do so to keep it that way. No one else shall know." I look over to Dabi and theirs a faint blush on his cheeks. Interesting.

"Sooooo, Are you two friends now? Lovers? Fuck buddies? Tell me the gossip!" why does she have so much energy. "Calm down you maniac. We're friends nothing more. I have a partner" Dabi states.

"Things can always change" she chuckles and walks out the room. "Why is she like this?"

Song of the day~ Bundle of Joy by Michael Giacchino

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