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I have a bit more time before I meet with touya, Ill be quick with this one. shes weak anyway. Minikui meet your death. Theyre figuring out my code so I need to change it up a lot.

"Thats why I decided to help those poor children in the hospital"

"You dont help anyone Minikui, I know who you are" I make my fingers into a finger gun and shoot her. "Pew" she laughs "I'm sorry about him, hes one of the kids I look after- AAAARRRHHGGHHHV" Her body soon splits into five and the rest run off, "no witnesses pew pew" soon after they have the same fate. Whoever listens to her is deluded. Crouching down i dip my finger in her blood and write this on the wall.

163 150 145 040 151 163 040 157 156 154 171 040 141 040 150 145 162 157 040 163 157 040 163 150 145 040 143 141 156 040 147 145 164 040 141 167 141 171 040 167 151 164 150 040 150 145 162 040 160 141 163 164 054 040 163 150 145 047 163 040 162 141 143 151 163 164 054 040 163 150 145 047 163 040 155 141 156 151 160 165 154 141 164 151 166 145 054 040 163 150 145 047 163 040 141 156 040 141 142 154 145 151 163 164 056 040 163 150 145 040 144 157 145 163 156 047 164 040 144 145 163 145 162 166 145 040 164 157 040 142 145 040 141 040 150 145 162 157 040 167 150 145 156 040 163 150 145 047 163 040 150 165 162 164 040 163 157 040 155 141 156 171

"y/n?" I hear someone ask quietly Shit, I turn around and its who I thought it was Touya. "I-I can explain" he grabs my hand and drags me into an alley. "I should bring you into the police you know." hes going to turn me in... "but Im not going to" I look up at him shocked "My prince is too precious for me to give away so this will be our little secret"

"They deserved it though, I'm only killing the fake heroes the ones that are only in it for sex and souly money, the ones that arent it in to help citizens in danger. The ones that fail society but are praised for their actions."

"Are you alright, y/n?" he asks, putting his hand on my cheek. "No" I say and break down into tears "Whats wrong? Is there anything I can do to help you?" I dont know if i should tell him..

"It's too complicated i shouldn't say, Ill just be burdening you if i tell you"

"Burden was never in my dictionary"

Song of the day: holding out for a hero- shrek
ꀤꎭ ꂦꈤ ꒒ꂦ꒦ꏂ ꅐꀤ꓄ꀍ ꌩꂦꀎ ꍏꈤꀷ ꓄ꀍꏂꋪꏂꌚ ꈤꂦ꓄ꀍꀤꈤꁅ ꌩꂦꀎ ꏳꍏꈤ ꀷꂦ ꍏꌃꂦꀎ꓄ ꀤ꓄

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