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so, I just did that... uh.

What do I do now? I just cooked one of the biggest heroes in Japan. What the actual fuck?!

I know, if that cocksucker likes bird bitch that much I'll give it to him...one last time. How do I make him eat him though... wow that sounds fucking weird. maybe, I make the whole league eat him it'll be easier to explain then. 

-league of dipshits-

y/n: oi cocksuckers, I made scran

crusty ass bitch: who the fuck changed my name.

y/n: that's not important and it's fax

Burnt whore: what u made?

y/n: chicken...

toga: fhjvbrhfskdbv ok

two face bitch: sounds disgusting! 

crusty ass bitch- changed name to Best villain

two face bitch: can't wait!

 best villain's name was changed to Ugly dusty crusty ass two-faced gaping arse hole

Ugly crusty ass two-faces gaping arse hole: die. 

--time skip--

"food's ready slags" I put the trays of...chicken on the table and they start eating like ravenous pigs. DISGUSTAN.

"Y/n this is so good!" Toga exclaims grabbing another piece and scoffing it. "I hate to agree with her, what type of chicken is it? I've never had such a juicy chicken before." Shigaraki comments. "It's a chicken that can fly, a rare breed so it's bound to taste different." 

"Rare chicken? that's stupid, where did you get it from?" magnet mutters. "I got it from hawk's hero agency" Silence falls over the room and an eerie vibe washes over. "y/n... what did you do?" twice whispers "IT WAS DELICIOUS" 

"I cooked chicken," I say deadpanned looking dabi in the eyes. most of them by now have run to a bathroom but he stayed. "I'm sure you've eaten this chicken before"  

"Y/n you overstepped your boundaries" 

"did I? Oh I'm terribly sorry if I offended you if I hurt you. I'm sorry I ruined your perfect life with your perfect boyfriend. Let me offer a thousand apologies dick waffle. You knew this was bound to happen. after what you did to me"

"what did I do to you?" so he doesn't even know... ouch. 

"you led me on, you gave me pet names, made me finally feel loved you were acting as if you liked me back, you constantly rejected me because you weren't ready for a relationship. BUT THEN I FIND OUT YOU'RE IN A RELATIONSHIP YOU STARTED HOW ELSE AM I SUPPOSED TO FEEL AND THEN YOU STILL CONTACT ME AS IF NOTHING HAD EVER HAPPENED? WHILST I WATCH YOU BE LOVEY DOVEY WITH SOMEONE WHO IS ACTIVELY TRACKING US DOWN? AND I WAS SUPPOSED TO BE FINE WITH THAT? how could I be fine with that, how could any of us be fine with that?"

"y/n... what the fuck, that wasn't a reason for you to kill him."

"go suck a dick and die, I'm going no one comes after me" 

y/n style I run out and go to the warehouse. 

how- why- ugh I need to get this out of my system. 

I'm not even going to bother looking for people who deserve death. anyone and everyone who comes into my path will die. hero villain to civilian.

Walking out on the street i get a few looks, 


no looks now. they're just screaming, 

how pathetic. "it's hero-slayer" an old lay shrieks. "who gave you the right to speak my name" I sludge closer to her and she backs up slowly, "I asked you who gave you the right to speak my name?" no answer. that's annoying. with a flick of my wrist, she lays lifeless on the floor. 

soon 5 became 15 and 15 because 40 "Hero-Slayer this can not go on any longer,  for I am here!" not for long, he does his all might shit, you know fancy stuff that makes him look good. "oh my god all might stop acting like you're above everyone else. theirs no point in even trying so just give up and go" I groan. laughing he gets into his fight stance. "I will not let a heathen like you murder so many innocent lives and get away with it. DELAWARE SMASH"  ugh this bitch. 

as quick as he said those words, he fell to the floor. "THIS WOULDN'T HAVE HAPPENED IF DABI WASN'T BEING A BITCH"

Song of the day: master of puppets- Metallica 

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