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DAbi's p.o.v

"So he's finally lost it..." I mutter.


"Shigaraki calm down he won't be here anymore, he's on the run he just killed the number one hero because he had a bad day. dramatic much? Anyway I'm going to go to bed, see ya" 

I can't help the feeling as if I'm being watched, I'm all alone in my room, right? I mean theirs no windows so how could someone get in. Brushing the feeling off I collapse on my bed, he's gone. they're both gone. I didn't think y/n minded he seemed fine with everything. I'll just sleep it off it's a dog eats dog world after all. 

Suddenly I'm woken up from my slumber and a hand goes over my mouth before i could scream "Hush now." the voice says in an angelic voice. 


"Don't struggle know you must be frightened" struggle... HOLY SHIT I'M NOT IN MY ROOM WHEN THE FUCK DID HE DO THIS? "I certainly would be if I was in your place. but you need to calm down. you'll only end up hurting yourself if you don't." I look around my surroundings. a warehouse. 

"If you don't stop struggling I'll be forced to make you" he hasn't changed his tone, it's off-putting but I have to get out of here, I can just burn through the rope. "It's fire resistant you won't be able to" how did he know..

."You keep on fighting me, this is your own fault. with one motion I can feel multiple sharp objects to my back. "If you insist on doing this I'll keep you here with no end in sight but for you? well there's your legs, they will atrafy and become useless and if you keep on disobeying you'll end up getting stabbed. eventually, you won't be able to do anything without my help, it's either you get paralysed or I paralyse you. you wanna say something? I'll allow it" 

"YOU SON OF A BITCH LET ME GO" he immediately puts the chains back in between my lips "I'm sorry to say screaming is pointless, no one will hear you."

"Why am I here?" I say through the chains. "what a silly question. you know why i brought you here." 


"Fine then, you know why I kidnapped you, doe some saying the word make you happy? Does me acknowledging the word give you some satisfaction? I'm not ashamed of kidnapping you. If I hadn't you'd be dead or worse right now so if anything that I've done is a favour to you because you ... you were in dangerous grounds, they found out where the league is. I've always admired you. we've always been friendly with each other and you've always intrigued me. someone who hides behind the shadows living a double life.. touya."

How did he find out? i- I kept it a secret from everyone. "this is your little rebellion against daddy isn't it? you just love playing with people and disappearing. I decided it was best to take you and hide you, for how long?" he lets out a cackle. "You think this is a temporary situation? oh, my pet, I'm sorry but I'm not letting you go, oh no. i have no intention of killing you. i wouldn't dare but you aren't leaving. you'd go back to the league and i'd be stuck here whilst you bad mouth me and then they'll hunt me down and everyone will find out you're toya and daddy will take you back. you don't know whats good for you because if you did you wouldn't be in this position. you're just so stupid my little pet." 

"you can't choose anymore so i will be choosing for you, i chose that you stay." I don't want to stay , i can't live down here forever. "Don't you see it's you. it's always been you I've wanted you  for forever. but you've always craved other things, which i why i had to take you otherwise you'd run off again, and again, and again. but now you'll never leave and you'll be mine. you're only saying this because it's day one" 

he places himself onto my lap. "soon your mind will begin to change as the days pass. and eventually you'll find that you want to belong to me."   

"Never" i try to say but all he does is he chuckle, "never?i owner how you're going to feel when day after ay I'm the only person you see, the only person you speak to, the only break of the monotony of being locked in this room. I've seen how affectionate you are. especially with him. physical touch is so important to you,you need it so how would you feel if theonly person touching you is me." 

"I'd hate it"

"You'd hate it will you? then whatif i don't touch you at all what if for weeks on end you never feel the touch of another person, i suspect you would care, you'd tryto hide how you feel but you'd be so desperate foe a little touch you'd end up begging me to touch you, to hold you, to courses ever inch of you to chance away the memory of being touch starved for so long and i'd gladly give you what you've asked for." 

he rubs his fingernails over my arm giving me goose bumps "You like that pet? look at you shivering just from that,you're body is just so sensitive image how good that would feel after not being touched for days, it would feel like heroin going into thoes veins of yours, thoes undead veins. I'm doing this because i want you to be mine and i have to do it by force you won't give yourself to me, you will endure it because you think there will be and end to it all. you won't escape you are trapped here and no one will come looking for you, I'm not going to let you out until you give yourself for me." 

he comes closer to my ear "just be mine" 

"Your old life was leading you to your death but I'll take care of you, I'll give you what you want i just want your obedience but it looks like I'm not getting it soon. you're so stubborn, it's hot. I'll see you tomorrow pet, this will be fun."

just kill me please. 

Song of the day: patient number 9- ozzy osbourn. 

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