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Today's been uneventful. I might kill someone but I just can't be arsed. "Friend I am a human of the bored" huh? He's just accepting friendship like that. That's strange... "What's up human of the bored?" did I respond correctly?

"How are you?" this is weird I don't like this.

"I'm good, you?"

" bored, my laptop had a seizure. I don't know how to fix it maybe we need to get a laptop doctor?"

"The laptop doctor might fix it. Maybe they might put it on laptop meds so it won't have any laptop seizures."

"You guys are weird" twice mutters "Weird is good!" he's calling us weird?

"Quote of the day, anyone called steve should die" bahaha what? "Yessss let's kill steve." he looks at me in the eyes "Everyone else I've said that too was just like, awkward but you're different. I need that in a friend"

"Yay confirmed friend" he lets out a chuckle. Did I say that out loud? "It's cute how you thought you had a choice"

I- uhhhhhh..... "Everybody! There's been an emergency. Mr.stainy.He's been captured." toga cries out whilst running into the room visibly upset. I knew something was weird today. Nothing is ever this uneventful. "So what do we do now?" I mutter

"I know a guy" some rando mentions setting us all on high alert. "Who are you and how did you get here?" Dabi asks. "There's no need to be hostile. You guys need a leader, I got one for you. With the league of villains."

"Aren't they the guys who got into the USJ? " Twice asks. "They got defeated by some kids, they can't be strong"

"Their nomu fought all might though they could be of value to us. Take me to them" I say

"Well if y/n is going then so am i" They all followed me, I'm like the second in command so why wouldn't they?

"However, it is late. I don't wanna travel in the dark, especially not with you I don't really know if I can trust you yet. So stay the night we travel at noon."

"No can do. I'm not being ordered around by some brat who thinks they're evil"

"I'm not a brat old man. We won't go if you don't comply"

"Fine we'll do it your way but when you're at the league you won't be so bossy."

Song of the day- Everything changes~ Adventure time

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