Chapter 25: Suspense

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If you die, I die along with you jaan.

Mukti read the letter Manik wrote and her brain ceased making her numb, she cannot decipher what is the meaning of the words Manik wrote. She recovered from her shock in few minutes and she ran towards Abhi's room. She opened the door to see Abhi crying holding Nandini picture and listening to the door sound he looked at Mukti standing near the door. Abhi opened his arms seeking her support and she immediately ran into his arms.

"What is happening to us Mukti, what we did? What is happening to Nandini, she will come out of this alive right?" Abhi voiced out his worst fears in front of her because he know he can be filter less in front of her and can express his feelings without any thought. Mukti who was initially very afraid of the words Manik wrote, she was more afraid now seeing Abhi condition.

"You know what Abhi, all our lives are inter connected and we cannot live without each other, bhai can't live without Nandini and I can't live without and at the same time, absence of bhai and Nandini will affect us in many ways and we can't even describe their ways but then what shall we do that we all come out of this safe and now even bhai is not there in the house" Mukti spoke and this caught the attention of Abhi

"Manik is not there in the house?" Abhi asked with confused look and Mukti nodded her head in yes and handed the letter she found in Manik bedroom. Abhi read the letter and he was shocked seeing the mere ten words which are enough to create havoc inside their hearts in the given conditions.

"What the hell does this letter mean?" Abhi asked Mukti with a confused and shocked face to which she nodded her head in no making Abhi more confused.

"Did you check the entire house?" Abhi asked while moving out of the room followed by Mukti

"Yes Abhi, I checked everywhere in the house and even asked security also but he said that bhai didn't even come outside after coming inside with us and even the back entrance door is closed from inside" Mukti spoke and this made Abhi frighten because Manik is inside the house but he is still missing which is not a good sign. Abhi once again checked the entire house for Manik but he is not seen anywhere.

"Did you try calling him?" Abhi asked Mukti with a concerned look and looking at the state Mukti is in he knows that she is not going to hold back soon.

"When I went to bhai's room his mobile is broken and the pieces were laying on the floor and I seriously don't understand what to do now Abhi, I am afraid, what if they kidnapped bhai also?" Mukti asked with a shocked face and Abhi did not have a strong point to say that Manik is also not kidnapped. Seeing him silent, Mukti busted into tears which made Abhi to wrap his arms around her to console her.

"He will be fine Mukti don't worry" Abhi assured himself more than he is assuring her, but then something suddenly clicked in Abhi brain, and he broke the hug with Mukti.

"Mukti give me the letter which Manik wrote fast" Abhi spoke and Mukti ran to Abhi's room to get the letter and gave it to him with a confused look. Abhi looked at the letter carefully and then he looked at Mukti with a smile.

"Baby come with me" Abhi spoke and then he moved towards the entrance of the house. Mukti followed him still being confused but then seeing his confidence she followed him silently. Abhi settled in his car along with Mukti and then gave the letter to her hand.

"Baby, see the letter carefully and take a note of the capital words" Abhi spoke and Mukti took a glance at the letter again.

If yoU DIe, I die along with you JAAN.

"Why is UDI and JAAN written in capitals?" Mukti asked with a confused look making Abhi look at him with a smirk.

"What is UDI?" Abhi asked with a smirk

"It's the topmost bank in India" Mukti spoke with a confused look and then her look turned into realisation of what Abhi wants to say

"So, bhai want us to go to that bank and find the account with the name jaan" Mukti spoke and Abhi looked at him with a smile.

"But which branch we will go?" Mukti asked still being confused and Abhi gave her a smirk and increased the speed of the car. Soon, they reached the bank and still Mukti was very confused because there is not even bank hoarding there and he is saying that this is the branch of the topmost bank in India.

"I know that this is the branch because this is the secret branch of UDI where only celebrities will have access and their privacy will be maintained very well here and before you ask me how do I know this, Manik and me created an account here for ourselves and he loved the bank and its architecture so if Manik is giving us any clue then this will be the place where he can assure no one can tamper his evidences or things which he want us to see" Abhi spoke and soon they both went inside the building.

"We want to have the access for the account named Jaan Malhotra" Abhi spoke and the receptionist who knows Abhi smiled at him and checked the list.

"Yes sir you have given access for the account holder from initial and please follow me because this account have locker system" the receptionist spoke and both Mukti and Abhi followed her to the locker.


Location: Somewhere in the middle of the forest

A person in blank jeans and black t-shirts covered with a scarf is running in the forest trying to find something with a device in his hand. He then looked behind him to see one person following him, so he immediately covered himself and the other person missed the person. He then escaped from that place.

The chasing person then changed his direction and went back inside one tunnel which then led to one lab where some unethical operations are going on.

"Sir, he escaped" the person informed his superior who got angry listening to this gave him an angry look and then he took the scalpel and opened the body of the person in front of him in anger.

"You can't even do one thing and now do one thing bring that girl after one hour here because the whole world and her family thinks that she is dead so let's make her dead indeed and give the required peace to the family" the head spoke and the subordinate nodded his head and moved from there. 

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