16. Their reaction

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"Sir, we request you all to vacate this place now so that we can carry on with our search" the head of the search party for Nandini spoke to Abhi. He looked at the head with a furious look

"I am not going anywhere till I find her" Abhi spoke making the head shook his head in disappointment

"Sir, your presence will divert media here and if once they found this location then it will be very hard to continue the search, we will have to stop it so please move back" the head spoke making Abhi look at him with a sad face

"Please try to find her" Abhi spoke to which the head nodded his head and went on instructing the people around him. Abhi moved to Manik who was sitting on his knees near the edge of the cliff

"Manik" Abhi spoke keeping his hand on Manik shoulder. He looked at Abhi with a lost look which made Abhi heart broke. He made Manik stand on his feet

"Manik we need to leave this place" Abhi spoke which made Manik look at him with more lost look

"Manik I am saying this because our presence here will get media attention, then it will be a big problem to the search" Abhi spoke and Manik looked at the nature in front of him

"Ok" he spoke just one word and moved back towards their car. Abhi eye started to tear and he was about to rub them when Mukti held his hand. She wiped his tears and smiled at him

"She will be fine, she has to be fine for all of us, she knew that we can't function without her" Mukti spoke and kissed his forehead which made him smile a little. They both moved towards the car where they found Manik sitting on the driving seat.

"Bhai please let me drive now" Mukti spoke coming towards the driver seat. Manik looked at her with a strange look which made Mukti heart break seeing her brother lost looks

"I don't want to take another risk, I am driving" he spoke and then ignited the car engine and having no other option Mukti sat in the back seat while Abhi sat in passenger seat.

The drive had turns which needed the driver to have utmost concentration and at present Manik doesn't have it and as a result he was about to drive themselves down the hill but Abhi stopped him. There was a viewpoint near the location where Manik stopped the car. He came out from the car, went towards the barricades there. He held them tight in his hands, Abhi and Mukti came out from car and moved towards him.

Mukti kept her hand on his shoulder which made Manik look at her. That was the breaking point for Manik, he hugged Mukti and cried on her shoulders. Seeing them Abhi too started to cry at the loss of his sister and his best friend from childhood. Abhi saw on one corner and hugged his knees burying his face in his knees. Manik broke the hug and looked at Abhi

"Abhi needs you Mukti, go to him" Manik spoke pointing Abhi. Seeing him like that Mukti heart broke, she was about to go but then she remembered that even her brother needs her.

"But bhai even you need me" she spoke, and this made Manik smile a little at her

"Don't worry Mukti, I have my wife with me to take care of me and when she is there nothing can happen to me" Manik spoke keeping his hand on his heart. This made Mukti eyes tear and she looked in another direction to hide her tears from him. She kissed him on his forehead and moved towards Abhi. As soon as Abhi sensed her presence, he hugged her and buried his head in her chest crying his heart out.

Manik stood facing the nature in front of him, the nature is calm, and it was impossible to think that the same nature is taking someone so precious in his life without giving him a hint. He doesn't understand whom he should blame for his situation but the most convenient option to him right now was to blame himself for agreeing her to go to this camp.

"You know Abhi" he spoke suddenly making Abhi look at him in surprise

"Did you remember when we went for trekking in south Africa?" Manik asked to Abhi who nodded his head in yes.

"Me and Nandini missed our way and we went deep into the forest, where we met tribal and that is where we got married... that day was the most memorable day for both of us but we didn't want to inform you because our relation is not public and we both were about to tell you this but see what happened" Manik spoke looking at Abhi but when he finished he looked towards the nature again

"This nature which is so peaceful how can it snatch the peace in my life" Manik spoke with tears in his eyes which made Abhi cry again. Soon they all settled in car and reached their farmhouse in lonavala. They settled themselves in their rooms.

Mukti came to Manik room and saw him sleeping on the bed so she went outside. As soon as she went outside, Manik opened his eyes and looked towards the door. His eyes teared again and he took the picture of him and Nandini and hugged it to his chest crying for his situation.

Early update 

all i will say is be with me in this journey and trust me on the story



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