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"My name is Kageyama Tobio, I was born on December 22nd 1994, I have a sister named Miwa and my parents—"


"There doesn't seem to be any major problem with his memory,"

The others sigh in relief though Tsukishima speaks up, "I'm sorry, 'major problems'?"

The doctor nodded, "There seems to be a few gaps where he couldn't remember but overall, he is able to recount well until this year so there's nothing to worry about. His physical condition is also quite good with no permanent or long-lasting injury so give him around two months and he'll be back to normal,"

They smile in relief once again, "That's the monster for you. Looks like there's nothing to worry about after all,"

"Just in case, please monitor him closely and noted if there's anything different regarding his memories. Call me if there are any other problems,"

Hinata nods happily, "We will! Thank you very much, doctor!"

The doctor smiles kindly as they went inside the room. Kageyama is lying on the bed with his head bandaged up and his right foot in a cast and yet he seems content as he sips on his milk and watches the television that's playing a volleyball match. He notices them and waves at them nonchalantly, causing the others to groan.

"Man, we worried a lot about you and here you are enjoying the hospital first-class room!"

Kageyama nods, "Their food is amazing,"

Tsukishima groans as he took a seat next to Kageyama's bed, "We came all the way here to Italy and all we have visited so far is the hospital. You better pay for my flight ticket, King,"

Kageyama seems to think a little before he looks at Tsukihima straight in the eyes, "No,"

"Okay listen here you piece of—"

"O—kay, let's calm down now and not cause more injury to a patient," Yamaguchi pat Tsukishima reassuringly with a grin before he turns to Kageyama, "How do you feel?"

"Like I got hit by a car,"

Yamaguchi sighs although a year of being the captain has taught him the patient of a saint, "Well, that is literally what happens to you. Do you think there's anything different?"

Kageyama jutted out his lip in concentration before he shook his head, "No, not really,"

"Kageyama-kun, Kageyama-kun, who am I?" Hinata pointed excitedly at himself as Kageyama stares blankly at him.

"I have never seen this man ever in my life,"


The others laughed at Hinata's incredulous look and Kageyama broke into a grin.

"Security, come here~ We have a pervert sneaking into the room~"

"Tsukishimaaa you bastard!"

Kageyama bursts out laughing as Hinata tried to grab at Tsukishima's head while Yachi holds his hand, "I'm glad to see that you're okay, Kageyama-kun. Seriously, don't scare us like that!"

"Ah, sorry..."

Tsukishima finally pushes Hinata off of him, "Well, there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with his head anyway, not that we can differentiate anyway,"

"Shut up you lanky beanpole!"

Hinata laughs loudly and pointed at Tsukishima, "Ah, he remembers your real name. That means everything's fine after all!"

"Shut up, human tangerine,"

Kageyama grins as their laughter fill the room though he feels a little guilty for keeping quiet about his headaches coming from the wound on his head.

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