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"Give it up already, Tobio-kun. You know that a brat like you could never win against me,"

Kageyama looks at him unimpressed as he smirks, "I'm sorry Atsumu-san but your elderly body must be strained from keeping up, huh?"

Between the sparks that fly between Kageyama and Atsumu as they glare at each other, Osamu just stares at them blankly as he sips his boba milk tea. Huh, this shop's boba is pretty good compared to the previous shop he went to.

"Round 9?"

Atsumu smirks as he pulls out his wallet, "You bet,"

Osamu sighs as the two of them went to the counter to buy more tokens. What started out as an innocent shooting game at the arcade had ignited the competitive spirits between Atsumu and Kageyama, each of them taking one set after another until they arrive at the stalemate of 4-4 score. All Osamu wanted was to just test the new onigiri shop at the mall, not to be dragged into another one of Atsumu and Kageyama's childish rivalry.

But he has to admit, seeing his brother and Kageyama smiling as they challenge each other is refreshing to watch. It's been years since they compete with each other so this must be refreshing for the two of them as well.

"Oi, I'm going to go check out the other stores around here,"

He doesn't know and doesn't care if the two of them hear him or not as the two of them are already immersed themselves in shooting the zombies. He can feel his ears ringing as he left the noisy arcade and sighs in relief as he can finally hear his own voice. He doesn't really mind going around the mall alone, he can actually go wherever he wants.

Atsumu too must be glad to be left alone with Kageyama. He must have wanted to spend as much time Kageyama as possible as long as they still live together.

Osamu shook his head as an ugly feeling crept inside him. Seeing a bookstore from a distance, he quickly went there. Tasting through his mouth is the usual method but he would also read every once in a while, as well. Things about how to start a business, how to attract customers and all of those.

"You again?"

Osamu stops reading and looks at the man who is speaking to him. The man is good-looking, he admits but he is scowling and glaring really hard at Osamu which causes him to look around in case the man is actually glaring at someone else. The man scoffs.

"Of course I'm talking to you. Don't go on pretending now,"

Osamu tilts his head in confusion, "Do... I know you?"

Yes, he can be absentminded and times but he's pretty sure he could remember someone with a face like this man and dressed fashionably like some sort of model.

"Though your hair is different. Finally realizes that yellow isn't exactly your colour?"

Well, that makes a lot more sense.

"Are you perhaps thinking that I'm Atsumu? What did the bastard do to piss off someone again now?"

The man's face blanks and Osamu chuckles a bit. Being mistaken as his brother can be annoying at times but it never gets old. Feeling pity, he put down the book back to its shelf and fully face the still blank-faced man.

"I'm Miya Osamu, Atsumu's twin brother,"

Something finally clicks in the man's mind as his face suddenly reddens and he sputters. It was surprising to see so many expressions on that man's face just a mere minutes after they met. He also doesn't expect the man to suddenly bow his head.

"I'm so sorry! You guys just have the same irritating face—"

"Yeah, twins do be like that,"

"And your brother is just—is just—"

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