Oikawa Tooru

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He could never get tired of his moan whenever he touches the younger like this. The way his blue eyes seems to twinkle even more with unshed tears as his short, trimmed fingers continue marking his back, matching the multiple marks on the boy's neck.


He covers the panting mouth with his own lips and swallows the moans. Their movement grew more erratic as Kageyama's moans grew louder the moment he releases his mouth.

"Ah—Tooru I'm—! Ngh...!"

"I'm close too, Tobio—Ah..."

Kageyama shivers as he feels Oikawa spills inside of him before he himself release on his stomach, marking Oikawa's stomach as well. He panted and moan as Oikawa slip out of him, spilling the cum from his abused hole. He hesitantly reaches down to his bottom and blushes as he looks at the sticky cum on his fingers. He hears Oikawa laugh beside him as the older pull him close so that Kageyama is laying his head on his naked chest. He sighs as he snuggles up to Oikawa's chest and letting him play with his hair that's slightly wet by sweat.

"How is it for your first time, Tobio-chan?"

Kageyama hides his face on Oikawa's chest as he mumbles, "It's... weird... but good..."

Oikawa laughs even more and kisses the top of Kageyama's head, "I told you that it'll be fine. I'll make sure that I'll always feel good for you,"

"Mmhmm..." Kageyama wrapped his arm around Oikawa, relishing from the other's warmth, "You're so warm, Tooru..."

Oikawa smile as soft snores can be heard from the boy. He played with the boy's hair lightly and caresses his slim, beautiful fingers. Up close, he could see the boy's long eyelashes as well as his clear skin. He hummed as he hugged the boy close.

"You really would give everything to me, huh, Tobio..."

He closes his eyes and allows his mind to slowly drift away to sleep by the boy's snore.

'I wonder how much more can you give me?'


"Oikawa Tooru... Oikawa Tooru..."

He frowns as he finishes looking at all the books he has. His stuff from Italy recently arrives and despite spending the whole day looking for any trace of Oikawa Tooru in his stash, it's as if Oikawa Tooru was erased from his past.

Middle school yearbook, a few photographs in the photo album and his volleyball journal that seems to be missing a few volumes.

'Did Hinata forget to send a few of them...?'

Which he knows is impossible since despite how clumsy Hinata is, he checks the contents multiple times to make sure that none of their stuff is left behind in their old apartment.

'But if it's during middle school then...'

He whipped out his phone and open the group chat between him, Kindaichi and Kunimi. Typing out the message he waited for either of them to reply to his message. After 5 minutes, Kageyama grew bored and began looking at the photo album. Smiling wistfully at the photo of him with Kazuyo and Miwa, the many memories with Karasuno, the multiple trips with Hinata...

"Ah..." He smiles as he looked at the photo of him in between the Miya twins at a ramen restaurant. Despite them being relatively friendly with each other, it was after this meet up that they truly become friends. It was one of the few times he was grateful for his terrible sense of direction as it gives him two of his most precious friends.

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