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First of all, this story is such a train wreck you have no idea how many times I just want to abandon or delete this story.

But I wouldn't want to leave the people who are still here hanging so I tried my best to finish it, even if the final product still isn't to my liking.

Secrets started as a one-shot but I can see this expand to be a bigger story and thus I tried but, in the end, romance really isn't my forte. At first, I wanted to end this with an open-ended ending where there's no final pairing because honestly, a romantic relationship is overrated (why are you even writing romance then Alve?)

There's a lot of thing in the final product that couldn't be explored so let me give some cliff notes of the scrapped ideas:

-There's actually more conflict involving Hinata and Kageyama where we got to explore more of Hinata's conflicted feelings regarding the truth.
-Kageyama and Atsumu too were supposed to have a big fight but even that got skipped huhu.
-More exploration of Oikawa's cheating; he tried to fill the emptiness from his dissatisfaction at Kageyama's love.
-Osamu's part is still my favourite. He's perfect.
-Also, I sucked at smut.

But in the end, thank you so much for staying until the very end and I'm sorry for what a train wreck it is.

I'm doing more story like 20th Year of December, where romance is only a minor part of the whole plot. Do check it out if you're interested 😊 (They're both multiple chapter AtsuKage because stan AtsuKage)

Also, I do a lot of art for OiKage and even more for AtsuKage ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) in my social media. Feel free to chat me up there too!

Until next time, thank you very much, dear readers! <3

Wattpad Notes:

Special super thank you to Dartyflette for commenting on this story! If you hadn't I might have forever forgotten to update this story here :')

To explain, I don't spend much time here on Wattpad. So even though most of my stories are already finished, I forgot to update them here. This story is hella old to me now.

Sooo here it is! The end of Secrets!

There are more stories I haven't posted on Wattpad and most of em are on AO3. If you prefer to read them on AO3, then I'd probably up them here on Wattpad fingers crossed!

Once again, thank you for reading <3

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