Through the Stomach

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"So that's when I noticed that Pedro is just like Kenma you know. And he knows a lot about Japan too,"

"Well with how unlimited your energy is, I have no doubt that that Pedro guy would relent eventually,"

"...That's a compliment, right? Right?"

Kageyama smirks as Hinata glares at him through the screen, "Did you cut your bangs?"

"Don't try to change the subject! And yes, I did. What? Did I just make Kageyama Tobio's heart skips a beat?"

Kageyama scoffs, "In your dreams. It's just I can see more of your annoying face now,"

"Sorry that you weren't born with this handsome face," Hinata smirks as try to flip his hair like the girls in the shampoo commercial. Kageyama makes a gagging sound as he moves the phone away from him.

"Eww, be glad that you are thousands of kilometres away from me dumbass or I would have barf on you now,"

"No need to get jealous now, Kageyama-kun~"

Kageyama rolls his eyes though he has a small smile on his face, "Glad to see that you're the same dumbass even in Brazil,"

"It's late though Kageyama. Isn't this your bedtime or something?"

"Yeah, about that..." Kageyama hesitates a little, stealing a glance at his volleyball journals on his desk, "Did I left any of my journals with you?"

"Huh? No. And you won't even let me hold your journal for more than 30 minutes,"

"Right..." Kageyama turns the pages on the photo album as he looks at some of the missing photos in it, "I can't find some of the volumes and even some of my photos are missing. I thought I left them with you..."

"A—ah... Maybe you left it back at your parent's house? How clumsy, Kageyama-kun,"

Kageyama ignores Hinata's awkward laugh as he continues looking at the empty spaces, "I never noticed before though how much things are missing... Why didn't I notice them before?"

"When it comes to anything but volleyball you do become like that sometimes, right? You should try to asks Miwa-san or something,"

"Hinata... you know how much those journals mean to me,"

Kageyama looked at the screen to see Hinata averting his eyes. Closing the album, Kageyama gave his full attention to Hinata.

"Shouyou you... you're not hiding anything from me... right?"

"O—of course not!" Hinata looks at him pleadingly through the screen, "You know me, Tobio. I wouldn't do anything to hurt you!"

Hinata's eyes had always been so honest as when he challenges Ushijima as well as during the Nationals. Right now, he had no doubt that Hinata is speaking the truth.


"Brazil makes you sound so cheesy,"

"Gah—you instigate this you asshole!"

Kageyama chuckles as Hinata huffs in frustration, "It's late now so I'll be going to bed. Don't push yourself too hard during practice, dumbass,"

Hinata perks as a grin forms on his face, "Is that worry I hear? Is Yamayama-kun actually worried about me? Aww, Tobi—"

"Bye," without letting Hinata finishes his sentence, he ends the call and turned off his phone. Sighing to himself, he looked at the photo album for the hundredth time. The content never changes and yet a part of him wishes that the missing spaces would somehow be filled with any photos. It's late and he was supposed to be asleep during this time.

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