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How many times has he got lost now?

Kageyama can feel himself sweating as he imagines Ennoshita smiling silently as Kageyama is doing a dogeza while Tanaka is both lecturing and shouting at him.

He looks around but there doesn't seem to be anything familiar around him, nothing to indicates where he is right now. He started to get nervous as his phone refuses to light up since he forgot to charge it yesterday.

"Oh? Ain't that Tobio-kun?"

Instantly, he feels a wave of relief at the familiar voice and he can feel himself breaking into a smile as he turns to see the familiar twin clad in the familiar red jersey, "Miya-san! Hello!"

Atsumu grins as he walks closer to Kageyama, "Uwahh this is the first time I heard you being so excited outside of volleyball. Are you that happy to see me?"

Osamu groans although Kageyama nodded excitedly, "Yes I am,"

"O—oh," Atsumu, who wasn't expecting such earnest response is blushing slightly as cover his mouth, "W—well, it's only natural, huh. This is me we're talking about after all!"

"Then, do you think you could help me get over here, Miya-san?" Kageyama shows the paper with some written instructions to...



Atsumu gawks as Kageyama leans closer to Osamu who is also looking confused, "Tobio-kun! I'm right here!"

"Huh?" Kageyama tilts his head and squints at Osamu, making it like he was glaring before his eyes widen and he blinks, "Oh. Grey is Osamu-san,"

They were quiet for a while before Osamu sputters and laugh loudly while Atsumu whines and wrap his arm around Kageyama's shoulders, "How cruel, Tobio-kun! You knew me first and my hair is totally cooler. Call me 'Atsumu' already,"

Kageyama stiffens a bit at the contact before he shows the paper again to Atsumu, "Um, then, can you help me get here? Atsu... Miya-san?"

Atsumu pouts at Kageyama's refusal to call him by his name. He sighs as he releases Kageyama and took the piece of paper, "Let me see... How the hell did you get so far from here, Tobio-kun? Why didn't you follow your other teammates?"

Kageyama mumbles as he averted his eyes, "Hm? What was that? I couldn't hear you,"

"There was... a cat,"


Kageyama lifts his head and Atsumu's breathe hitches at the blush adorning Kageyama's face, "There was... a cat, okay? I followed the cat and then... I remembered that there was this great ramen shop nearby so I tried to find it and before I knew it... well..."


Kageyama scowls, "I know, it's stupid and all..."

"That's..." Atsumu stutters before he ruffles Kageyama's hair enthusiastically, "That's such a cute reason you freaking dork! You're like a little kid who got distracted easily!"

"Uwah! M—Miya-san! I'm not a kid!"

While Atsumu continues cooing over a complaining Kageyama, Osamu pull out his phone and show it to the scowling Kageyama, "Tobio-kun, that ramen shop you're talking about... is it this one?"

Kageyama's eyes sparkle as he looked at the screen and he nodded enthusiastically, "That's the one! I heard that the somen there is amazing!"

Osamu nodded as well, sharing the same enthusiasm as Kageyama, "Yeah! That's why we're here now actually,"

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