The Three of Them

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"You're going to go visit those friends of yours?"

Kageyama nodded as ate another spoonful of omelette rice, swallowing before he replies to Osamu's question, "They're going to help me look around for an apartment today. Also, we haven't seen each other for a long time,"

Osamu nods as he gave another serving for the eager Kageyama. Before he began eating, he looked around in confusion, "Where's Atsumu-san? I feel kind of bad taking his room last night,"

As if hearing his name, a groan was heard behind the couch as Atsumu stood up and stretches, "Mor...ning..."

"Atsumu-san! It's not good for your body to sleep on the couch. You should have just wake me up last night,"

Atsumu grins sleepily as he took a seat opposite Kageyama, "Nah, don't worry about it. You look pretty tired last night anyway,"

Kageyama frowns, "It won't be good for when you play volleyball,"

The twins laugh as Osamu took a seat next to his brother, "Volleyball is always in your mind, huh, Tobio-kun?"

"Of course," Kageyama said it so seriously that the twins laugh again. Breakfast with the twins reminded him of the time he spent with the other first years before he left for Italy. Even when they didn't meet with each other much, the few times they had a sleepover together was something that Kageyama cherishes. The last time the five of them have breakfast together was when Kageyama was upset due to...

Why was he upset again?

"Tobio-kun, are you sure you need to find a new apartment? You could always stay with us, you know?"

Atsumu's questions snap him out of his stupor and he answers the older setter, "I wouldn't want to impose you like last night. And I've finally gathered enough money to have a place to myself,"

Atsumu pouts as he slumps forward slightly, "Aww, that's too bad. We wouldn't mind you being here, right, 'Samu?"

Osamu nodded as he finishes his plate, "We could always throw 'Tsumu out,"


Kageyama chuckles as Osamu smoothly avoid his twin's punch, "Would you like to come along, Atsumu-san, Osamu-san? I'm sure Kindaichi and Kunimi won't mind,"

Atsumu's eyes sparkle as he looks at Kageyama in excitement, "Can we? Sure!"

"Ah, I'll pass. Kita-san and Aran-kun will be visiting today so I have to do my best to impress them,"

"Kita-san and Aran-san are coming?" Kageyama looks excited as he helps Osamu with the dishes, "How long will they be staying?"

"Until evening if I'm not mistaken. I think you'll get to meet them if you return afternoon,"

"Got it!" Kageyama is smiling with his usual wobbly grin that Osamu couldn't help petting his head fondly.

"Ah, Osamu-san! Your hand is still wet!"

Osamu grins as he continues ruffling Kageyama's hair with his wet hands, "It's okay, isn't it? You haven't taken a bath anyway~"

Atsumu suddenly join in as well, hugging Kageyama from behind, making Kageyama completely vulnerable to Osamu's wet hands, "Ah, no fair~ Don't play with water without me!"

Osamu grins as he continues ruffling Kageyama's hair, making it stick up everywhere, "That's what you get for finishing so late,"

Kageyama yelps when Atsumu suddenly ruffles his hair as well, "Ah, Atsumu-san, don't join in as well!"

"No way! It wasn't every day we could mess up your perfectly silky straight hair,"

"You—" Kageyama suddenly started ruffling their hair as well with his equally wet hand. By the end of it, all three of their hair are drenched with water and Kageyama groan in disgust as his wet hair drips to his shirt.

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