Phoenix - Part 2

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< The train is arriving in one more hour

Oikawa stares at the message absentmindedly before he sighs and com his messy hair with his fingers and began typing a reply. A groan from his side causes him to click his tongue and he roughly kicks the bundle of blankets beside him, earning a yelp and a glare from grey eyes.

"Hey, I give some good times and all I get is a kick?"

"Start demanding when it's actually good," he evades the punch coming his way and swiftly stands up to the bathroom. "I'm going out. I'll be using your bathroom."

"Not like you'll listen if I told you that bathroom is off limits anyway..." Hirasawa sighs before a smirk appear on her face. "Are you meeting your beloved girlfriend?"

Oikawa ignores her as he brushes his teeth with the spare toothbrush, even as her voice turns sinister, "Right after you fuck me?"

"You're not even that good anyway," Oikawa causally said as he wipes his mouth and opens up the hair gel. Hirasawa's shrill laugh reaches his ear but he ignores it as he usually does.

"Your girlfriend still won't let you fuck her? She's really dedicated to her sport's career, huh?"

Oikawa doesn't know whether he should feel proud or insulted regarding that statement so he just shrugs in indifference.

He continues to ignore her as he finishes fixing his hair and changes into his change of clothes; blue like the colour of Kageyama's eyes. He was preparing to went out of the door when Hirasawa's voice appears, so quiet and so unlike her usual voice.

"This will be the last time."

Oikawa stops in his track and turn to see Hirasawa lighting up a cigarette. Puffing out the smoke after inhaling a good amount of it, "You're a twisted person, Oikawa. Cruel at times too."

This is the first time in a long time that Oikawa sees the Hirasawa he befriended alongside Ishida. The Hirasawa he could joke around with who is now looking at him with a broken smile and eyes that is trying so hard to contain the tears.

"I really did love you. You know?"

He wonders if there's a name for what he feels for Hirasawa right now?

"Goodbye, Hirasawa."

It's only when he closes the door that he could hear the sob from the other side of the door. And yet he still couldn't find the answer to what he's feeling towards the women who was so upfront about her feelings until the very end where her vulnerable self appears.

Oikawa covers his face with his hands.

He hasn't replied to Kageyama yet.

Taking a deep breath, he pulls out his phone and sends the message from earlier.

> On my way! ( >ω<) =33

Oikawa understands why Tobio is busy, why it was so difficult for them to meet what's with Oikawa's university work and Tobio's involvement with the tournament.

He understands how that Tobio would want to take care of his body, just so he wouldn't risk his practice.


Oikawa breaks into a smile as he saw Kageyama's excited face, lips wobbly and blue eyes sparkles from the distance. Kageyama opens his arm as if to embrace Oikawa but at the last second, he hesitates and opt to clasps his hand behind him. A shy smile on his face as he nodded politely, "Long time no see, Oikawa-san."

Oikawa smile as he adjusted the collar of Kageyama's jacket and carry one of the bags, "Nice to see you, Tobio-chan."

Grinning, he ruffles Kageyama's hair affectionately, "And I told you to stop calling me by my last name already."

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