Right Time

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"Oi, let go already."

Iwaizumi could only sigh as he pats the brunet's back, "I'll come to visit, I promise."

Oikawa release the hug with a pout on his face, "You have to! Even after you moved to America, you have to visit me!"

"I got it already!" Iwaizumi rolls his eyes but his eyes grew fond as he lifts his fist. "Take care there. I knew you'd be fine."

"Hajime..." Oikawa's mouth quirks upwards as he returns the fist bump. "I'll be back! Stronger than ever!"

Iwaizumi's smile turns mischievous as he quirks his eyebrows, "Are you strong enough now though to face that person behind you?"

Oikawa tilts his head in confusion before he slowly turns his head. His breath got stuck in his throat as his brown eyes met the familiar blue.


Kageyama has a serene smile on his face as he nodded politely, "Oikawa-san, Iwaizumi-san. Hello."

Oikawa is still looking at Kageyama dumbfoundedly while Iwaizumi laughs and pat his shoulder, "I'll be going now then."

"Eh!? Hajime—wait—"

Iwaizumi only waves his hand dismissively as he smiles and nodded at Kageyama. Kageyama returns the smile before he turns his eyes back to Oikawa who is stunned like a deer in a headlight.

"Iwaizumi-san told me that you're leaving today."


Kageyama smiles as he walks closer to Oikawa. It is when he is right in front of Oikawa that he notices the book in Kageyama's hand, "That's—"

"Yes," Kageyama hands the album to Oikawa. "I thought that it's time that I return this to you."

Oikawa's throat grew dry as he hesitantly took the album from Kageyama's hands, "Do you—your memory...?"

Kageyama shook his head, his eyes lower in sadness, "No... even if I get pieces of you from time to time... I don't know if I'll ever fully remember you. No matter what everyone told me what happens, I want to judge it from my own memory."


"That's why, I couldn't accept your apology, Oikawa-san."

Oikawa's eyes widen before it moves downwards to the album in his hand, "I see..."

Smiling is painful as he looks at Kageyama's dark blue eyes, "I'll wait then. Once you remember everything, I'll apologize again. Even if you wouldn't accept it even after you remember, I'd accept anything."

Kageyama's lips quirk slightly, "Okay."

Oikawa gasps when he suddenly feels the warm body embracing him. He can feel his heart beating faster and tears blinding his eyes as he savours the warmth of Kageyama.

"See you again, Oikawa-san."

Oikawa took a deep breath, his hand hovering over Kageyama's body as he restrains from returning the embrace, "You might not want to see me again next time."

"Who knows what the future holds, right?"

"Right..." Oikawa chuckles as he lets his selfish desire consume him for a while as he returns the embrace. "Goodbye, Tobio."

He knows he won't ever feel the warmth of the embrace ever again.


He would find himself chuckling at times as he cleaned up the house whenever he found some left behind cookbooks or trinkets from two of his most precious people.

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