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"I like you, Oikawa-san,"

He turns to look at Kageyama's beet-red face. He smiles as he moves closer to the boy, "Don't you have the Karasuno's graduation to go to, Tobio-chan?"

"Ah, it finishes already and I... I need to see you,"

Oikawa said nothing and just cup Kageyama's cheek with his left hand, "Are you saying that you love me, Tobio-chan?"

Kageyama avoids his eyes as he grew redder and he nodded. Oikawa's smile grew as he releases Kageyama's face, "Ah, too bad that Seijoh is not wearing gakuran. I could've gives you my second button,"

Kageyama looked at Oikawa in surprise, "H—huh?"

He smiles as he moves his hand to the front of Kageyama's uniform, "Instead, why don't you give me your second button?"

Kageyama's eyes grew wider and Oikawa finds himself smiling fondly at the boy's wobbly smile, "Does—does that mean...?"

Kageyama remains smiling as Oikawa took the button from his uniform. He clenches the button in his hand and smiles at Kageyama,

"Thank you for giving me your heart, Tobio,"


Oikawa looked at the worn button in his hand.

A few years ago, he would have thrown it out without thinking twice.

But now...

"Are you done sulking?"

Oikawa chuckles as he put the button back in the box, "I'm not sulking, Iwa-chan. Just remember the good old days,"

"Good old days, huh..." Iwaizumi sighs before he left the room, "Once you're done reminiscing then let's go. You know how annoying Hanamaki and Matsukawa will be if we're late,"

"Yeah, yeah," he retrieves his jacket and join Iwaizumi outside, "Wouldn't want to lose our money to them,"

Oikawa looked up to the tree and he could still imagine the cherry blossom from that day; the day where Kageyama Tobio willingly gives him his heart despite Oikawa Tooru only giving him pieces of his heart.

"I want to see Tobio again,"

Iwaizumi stops and he turns to Oikawa with an exasperated look, "Haven't you had enough with messing with that kid? If he's moving on like what you told me, then you should too,"

Oikawa shook his head, "He wasn't moving on. He just... erased it. I don't know if it's intentional or not; Tobio-chan isn't that smart to be manipulating people,"

He chuckles a little at that though Iwaizumi remain impassive, "Even without him being here you're still insulting him. What makes you think that you guys can work again,"

Oikawa averted his eyes and rubbed the back of his neck, "Yeah I... I have to work on that, right?"

Iwaizumi suddenly punches Oikawa's shoulder while clicking his tongue, "Just so you know... I would always be your friend. But I wouldn't hesitate to punch you if you're being shitty to Kageyama,"

Oikawa rubbed his shoulder with a sheepish grin, "You already did... But you have always had such a soft spot for Tobio-chan, huh?"

Iwaizumi only shrugs as a response and Oikawa snickers.

Kageyama Tobio is a constant presence in his mind ever since they first meet each other. Even now, Oikawa couldn't forget his blue eyes that would always look at people sincerely, the perfectly cared hands that are always so gentle and the warmth of his body after they make love.

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