Left Behind

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"'Tsumu, people don't like you,"

It's easy to be scared of that. It's a human reaction to be scared of people whispering and glancing at you every once in a while. Because even when you prefer your alone time, truthfully humans are lonely creatures. They needed someone besides them to move forward.

Atsumu was blessed with Osamu.

Ever since he was born, he was never alone. It's a blessing that a lot of people didn't have. He never thinks of those blessings before, honestly. Osamu was there, that was enough.

But the moment Osamu said he's quitting volleyball, he's angry.

He's scared.

But even if Osamu is choosing a different path from him, he's with him right now.

As long as he's never alone, everything's fine.

That's right, everything's fine.


"Huh?" Atsumu's hand trembles slightly and he grips the table to steady it, a nervous smile plastered on his face. "What... are you saying?"

"I'm telling you," Osamu have a guilty look in his eyes before he looks away and continues, "I'm moving out next week."

He was scared when Osamu told him that he's leaving volleyball.

And now Osamu is leaving him.

He's terrified.


Hinata's hair is the first thing that captures anyone's attention. Even with his short stature, he knows that he'll always be able to find Hinata in the sea of people. The fact that he's wearing that bright green shirt also serves to highlight the boy's appearance more as he sat at the bench at the park, his eyes roaming around before it catches Kageyama's figure.

"Oh, Kageyama!" Hinata smiles largely as he waves his hand enthusiastically. "Stop glaring already! I know you can see me just fine."

Kageyama groans as he walks towards the shorter, "Shut up, dumbass. Even if I'm blind, I could still see your annoyingly bright hair."

"Rude!" Hinata tried to punch Kageyama's arm which he swiftly evades. "And if you're blind you can't even see, idiot!"

Kageyama stuck his tongue out before he sighs and sat next to Hinata, they both being quiet which is quite rare for them before Kageyama break the silence. "You have something to say to me?"

Hinata was quiet, it reminded him of the time Hinata accidentally dropped one of the few family photos he has while they were living together. Hinata immediately apologizes afterwards but his guilt stays even after Kageyama forgive him, being quiet throughout the day.

"Atsumu-san message me," his voice lacks his usual cheeriness. "He said that he doesn't want to keep you in the dark, that you didn't deserve that."

Kageyama nodded mutely, avoiding Hinata gaze as he kept quiet to let Hinata continues. Hinata sigh before he speaks, "Do you... remember Oikawa Tooru?"

Kageyama's gaze falls on his hand as Hinata asks the question. Even now it feels like he can feel the heat of Oikawa's touch. He could still feel the pang in his heart as Oikawa pour his heart out to him, apologizing for things Kageyama still don't understand.


Hinata's breathe stuck, as If he doesn't know whether he should breathe in relief or not. It feels strange for them to have such tension between them. It reminded him of the time when they were first-years.

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