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Kageyama's hand is holding the chopstick without moving as he looks at Atsumu in front of him who is finishing his third bowl of somen. When it comes to him, Atsumu and Osamu, surprisingly Atsumu is the one who ate the least, what's with Osamu and Kageyama being the ultimate food enthusiasts. This is why the sight of Atsumu devouring 3 whole bowls of somen while Osamu and him are still on their second bowl is such a jarring sight.

What's even more jarring is Atsumu's pink nose and slightly swollen eyes.

Now, Kageyama isn't an expert with emotions—far from it actually but something is definitely wrong with Atsumu. The Atsumu who would usually wear such fancy clothes even when going to a mere convenience store is wearing such simple clothing of plain black box cut top and dark jeans. For the first time, it seems like the twin has switch places for today.

Kageyama tap Osamu who is beside him at the arm and whispers, "Is something wrong with Atsumu-san?"

Osamu stops chewing and sighs as he looks at Atsumu who is still intently eating the somen, "That, Tobio-kun is what you call a heartbreak."

Kageyama raises his eyebrow is questioning while Atsumu stops chewing and glare at Osamu, pointing his chopstick at Osamu, "Shut up, 'Samu. I'm just really hungry today."

"Clearly that's not why given that even oblivious little Tobio-kun notices that something is wrong."

Kageyama's eyes twitch slightly at the comment but he pouted as he realises that he couldn't refute Osamu's statements. He put down his chopstick and speaks to Atsumu, "Are you okay, Atsumu-san?"

"Yeah..." Atsumu's hand stop moving before he stabs the chopstick directly in the middle of the somen, earning a flinch from Kageyama and an irritated sigh from Osamu. "You know what? No, I'm not fine! I'm used to rejecting people's confession but being rejected yourself sucks!"

Kageyama blink as Osamu sighs and rest his chin on his palm, "So, you finally realized what a dickhead you are to the people who confesses to you?"

"You're no different too," Atsumu stuck out his tongue before he slumps on his seat. "But Kita-san... He wasn't even cruel with his rejection. It's so gentle that... it hurts."

Kageyama blinks rapidly, mouth agape before he speaks, "Kita-san? Atsumu-san, you have a crush on Kita-san?"

Atsumu's blush and averted gaze is all the answer he needed. Kageyama's mouth forms an 'o' in disbelief before he thought for a moment and nodded, "Oh, I can see that, actually."

"See, dumbass? You're too transparent," Osamu shrugs and took a bite of his somen. "Reminded me of when you had a crush on Aran-kun."

Atsumu groans in response before he puffs out his cheeks and throws an accusing glare in Osamu's direction, "If I remember correctly, aren't ya the one who has the bigger crush on Aran-kun though? During Valentine you even—"

"Oh, fuck off!"

Kageyama could only stare in silence and ate his somen as Osamu, face red and glaring at Atsumu is forcing his chopstick into Atsumu's mouth while Atsumu struggles to push him off. Kageyama notices the people whispering around them and there's a huge possibility that they would be force out if they make any more commotion but all he could think is how glad he feels now that Atsumu seems to have cheered up a little.

He wonders how he'd feel if Oikawa rejected him that day.


Atsumu's face splits into a grin as the screen displayed his name as the number one record holder. Holding his fist into a victory pose, he happily shouts, "I win! Take that, Tobio-kun!"

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