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"And that's the last of it!"

Kageyama sighs as he slumped on his new bed, "I'm so tired... Moving out to another house is much more tiring than this, huh,"

Atsumu grins as he lay on his bed and look at Kageyama that's the opposite of him, "Aren't you glad to be moving here then?"

"Yeah..." Kageyama smiles as he turns to lay on his side and look at Atsumu, "I didn't think that you guys would really want me here... Thank you, Atsumu-san,"

Atsumu can feel himself blushes a little as he returns the smile, "No problem. I wouldn't have invited you so carelessly like that if I don't like you,"

"I see..." Kageyama blinks, his eyelids growing heavy as the last thing he sees is Atsumu mouthing out something.

Osamu opens up the door without knocking to see the room now being a mix of Atsumu and Kageyama's stuff. Kageyama doesn't have a lot of things to begin with but he can see traces of him by the pictures as well as the various volleyball books and journals.

"Wow, you guys actually finished cleaning up,"


His brother is laying on his side, looking at Kageyama who is soundly asleep. He sighs and sat on the bed next to his brother, "Looking at Tobio-kun sleeping is becoming of yours now, huh? You sure you'll be okay with him being in the same room as you from now on?"

"Well, I'm the one who invites him," Atsumu chuckles, "Ah... I didn't realize that I've fallen this deep,"

Osamu smiles slightly at the look of pure adoration on his brother's face.

For now, this kind of happiness is enough.

Atsumu turns so that he's sitting up and looking at Osamu now, "Anyway, how's your first day?"

"Ah, yeah, it's good so far. The manager is really kind too showing me and helping me all around,"

"Ohh lucky. The last time I was working my boss had a stick stuck up on his ass. Always screaming and all of that,"

Osamu smirks, "Are you sure it wasn't because of your personality?"

Atsumu scowls as he kicks his twin in the shoulder, "Dick,"


Osamu sighs before he slumped back next to Atsumu. A few years ago, the two of them could fit the single bed but now the two of them could barely lay on the bed without falling off. Atsumu groans but he doesn't push Osamu away, letting them lay comfortably with only Kageyama's soft snores filling the silence.

Osamu hesitates before he opens his mouth, "Hey, 'Tsumu..."


"Tobio..." Osamu turn so that he's facing Kageyama instead of his brother, "It'll be nice if he could be with us forever,"

"I guess..."

"But 'Tsumu..." he smiles as Kageyama hugs the crow plushie Atsumu and Kageyama got back at the arcade tighter to his chest, "You're still keeping quiet about his memories, right?"

Atsumu was quiet before he took a deep breath and speaks, sounding slightly annoyed, "And what of it?"

Osamu shrugs, "Nothing really. You're an adult, he's an adult. I don't really have to tell you guys off like mom. Adult... they should know to do the right thing,"

Like Oikawa... he wonders if he did the right thing.

He still has the man's number on his phone and Osamu was tempted to ask the man immediately whether he had revealed the truth to Kageyama yet. But Oikawa is an adult and older than him, he should know when to do the right thing. More than that, if Oikawa really is trying to reform himself for Kageyama as he said, he wouldn't have continued keeping the boy in the dark.

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