Food for Thoughts

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"Tobiooo," Oikawa looks around with the drink in his hand. "Where are you?" he sighs and grumbles. Kageyama is like a little kid who would go missing when you took your eyes off of him for a second. From the distance, he could finally see Kageyama standing still looking at something.

Oikawa walks closer to Kageyama who's scowling but he knows that it's just his expression during concentration, "There you are, Tobio-chan. I told you to not just disappear on me just like that,"

Kageyama blinks as he turns his head to Oikawa. He nods a little, "Sorry,"

Oikawa groans, and looks at the thing that has catch Kageyama's eyes, "Is that... a fox plushie?"

"Yeah..." Kageyama picks the plushie and look at it a little longer, "Please wait here for a moment. I'm buying this,"

"Eh?" But Kageyama has already left with the plushie in his hands, eyes sparkling.

Huh, he didn't know Kageyama like those kinds of thing.

He smiles, shaking his head as Kageyama pays for the plushie with his eyes still sparkling and yet unseen by the others,

'What a kid...'

He goes closer to Kageyama, staring at him as he holds the fox plushie with a wobbly smile, "So you like that kind of stuff huh, Tobio-chan?"

Oikawa silently coos as Kageyama's face turns red, "N—No I just—I like this one,"

Oikawa hums in acknowledgement as he smiles, "No problem with liking that. Though we should go now if we don't want to miss the movie,"

"Ah, yes!" Kageyama followed behind Oikawa before he shyly tugged on his shirt, "Um, Oikawa-san..."


He can feel his face flushing as he looks at Oikawa in the eyes, "Can I—hold your hand?"

Oikawa smiles softly as he removes Kageyama's hand from his shirt. Kageyama can feel his heart drop at the next sentence.

"We can't really do that. We're outside, remember?"

"Oh... right..."

He left the hand hanging.

Kageyama stares at Oikawa's hand in yearning as he hugs the fox plushie close to him.

A few days later, in Hyogo, Atsumu blushes as he held the fox plushie while Osamu continues to snickers behind him.

At the same time, Kageyama smiles at the blue bunny plushie he recently receives, his face flushing in happiness.


"While unhealthy food might be good at first, in the end, people would always look for the most balanced meal for a healthy lifestyle. So, a balanced meal might work better for a long-time business, Osamu-kun,"

"I see," Osamu nods as he takes notes, while Yukie finishes her third bowl of ramen.

Apparently not only did the older girl have expertise in eating food, but she's also surprisingly very knowledgeable when it comes to food, which might be from her time as sports team's manager and currently studying nutrition.

Yukie smiles as she claps her hand together once the ramen is finished, "Now that I gave you some pointers, will you help me time my shaved ice record? I want to beat my 10 seconds record,"

Osamu takes a few seconds to digest Yukie's words before he blinks blankly at her.

"Your how many seconds record now?"

Yukie only giggles in response as she orders strawberry shaved ice from Kirishima, who looks terrified as he looks at the emptied bowl. "You never told me how you've switched from volleyball to food, Osamu-kun. I thought that you'd continue volleyball with your brother," Yukie's eyes are sombre.

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