Phoenix - Part 1

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"Thank you for giving me your heart, Tobio,"

Kageyama Tobio had always been good looking, something that Oikawa noticed for a long time now. Three years ago, he looks more adorable than handsome and yet Oikawa had no doubt that in a few more years, Kageyama's face would mature and soon he would become a heartthrob. Of course, not as much as he is but attractive nonetheless.

He wouldn't have imagined how beautiful Kageyama looks when he smiles so brightly, the cherry blossoms behind him only serve to accentuate his blue eyes.

Vividly, he remembered it was a few days before he fell in love with the boy named Kageyama Tobio.


"The university's team is really strong, Tobio-chan. I wish you're in university as well so that I can beat your team to the pulp,"

He doesn't need to see Kageyama to know that the younger boy is rolling his eyes right now. "I've heard that before, Oikawa-san," His voice grew softer and Oikawa's heart flutters at his tone, "But I'm glad that you seem to be enjoying yourself there,"

He hated how kind Tobio sounds.

Oikawa clears his throat and speaks, "Anyway, how are you with the first years? You're not bullying them, are you?"

Kageyama scoffs on the other line, "I'm not you, Oikawa-san. I—well—I did try my best with them,"

Oikawa chuckles as Kageyama trip with his words, "I can imagine. You're probably hiding behind that shrimpy even though you're like double his size,"

"I'm not!" in a quieter voice, he continues, "Some of them still avoids me though,"

"Aww, who would have thought that the scary setter from Karasuno would be scared of interacting with some first-years?"

"I told you that I'm not—"

"You'll be fine," Oikawa cut Kageyama off with a soft voice and continues as the other end grew silent, "You'll always be fine. That's just the kind of person you are."

Tobio is just like a phoenix.

He'd never die. He would just rebirth to be even stronger and beautiful.

"...Thank you, Oikawa-san," Oikawa could imagine the shy smile on the boy's face. "I'm going to be now so uh—good night and take care, Oikawa-san."

"Good night to you too," his smile grew cheeky. "Make sure to dream of me lots and lots, okay?"

"Good night, Oikawa-san."

Oikawa chuckles at the deadpan voice as the line cut off. A burst of laughter from beside him avert his attention from the name on his phone as he looks at Ishida; his roommate.

"What? Is that your girlfriend, Oikawa?" Ishida grinned. "You've been smiling the whole time you're talking to this 'Tobio-chan',"

"What?" Oikawa ignore the higher pitch in his voice as he continues, "No I—"

It's when he caught his own reflection on the mirror that he notices that he's been smiling the whole time he's on the phone with Kageyama. Kageyama; the boy who would irritate him to no end and yet somehow, he had been smiling when he listens to the boy rambling about himself for...

...2 hours!?

"Huh," Oikawa could only utter out dumbly as Ishida's grin grew wider.

"This is great! Now the girls would n longer bother you once they know this and would only pay attention to me!" He clasps his hand together and looks above as if he's praying. "Thank you, Tobio-chan,"

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