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With the senior on top of me, I felt like the world stopped, I felt like my heart crushed and broke into small pieces, the little bit of hope I had was now destroyed.

Even with how desperate and messed up I looked, he didn't look like he had any bit of compassion, he just glared down at me.

"Ok this is enough let go of him" Chaewon pushed Minhyung away from me and pulled me up, she gave me a hug, which was quite embarrassing.

The older scoffed and sat back down in front of the door, making sure that it didn't open while he was fighting.

Chaewon sat me down close to her, as she rubbed my back, I couldn't help but notice how soft her touch was.

"My younger brother, i couldn't find him either, so I know how you feel right now" she whispered to me.

I looked at her only to see her sending me a soft yet sad smile.

Later that night one of the guys was able to access some WiFi which was the reason why we were all sitting together watching the "news"

*We've only recently found out that people who were "cured" from covid-19 had a turn, in other words turned into the monsters you're seeing now, we sadly have no explanation nor solution, please stay inside your house and lock yourselves in, try not to get any close to someone who had the virus before, because he still has it, and try to stay safe untill the world health center finds a solution for this*

"That's it? We're going to be stuck here forever?" One of the guys said, his voice raised.

"How come none of our families called us ?" The girl Minra let out in curiosity.

She had a point, if we could watch the news and call other people, why didn't any parent call and ask about their child.

Well the answer was quite obvious, they probably didn't make it.

"My brother sent me a message earlier" my head snapped to the side, the senior spoke in a hushed voice.

"He's not here, he's in Canada" he added.

"Do they have the same thing there?" The other girl asked.

Minhyung only nodded his head.

"Is he stuck in school too?" This time is was Daejung who spoke.

"No he's in his house, he told me that the whole world is in chaos right now"

"How long are we going to stay here?" The bully asked and it didn't take long for the other to go into an emotional outbreak, complaining and crying.

As for me, I just sat in my corner too physically and mentally drained to join them.

My eyes shifted around the room, only to settle on the door and the person blocking it.

Upon staring at him closely, I remembered seeing him before quite a lot, and last time i saw him was only this morning, he was joking and playing with his group of friends.

And now that I think about it, why aren't they with him?

I was pulled out of my thoughts when his eyes met mine, I felt my cheeks go red in embarrassment as I looked away.

He was probably laughing at me in his head, thinking about how pathetic I am.

"Hey Donghyuck" Minhyung's voice was so calm it made the younger want to sleep more.

"Donghyuck wake up the doctor is here" his hand shook the younger slightly.

Making him open his eyes.

Covid-19 /markhyuck Where stories live. Discover now