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"What did I ever do wrong for me to get declined an orgasm every time?" Donghyuck whined lowly in the bathroom.

"We'll I think he's showering, so maybe come later, also there no need to worry I spoke to him he's ok, let's just keep it a secret between us ok?" Minhyung's voice was audible to the younger.

"Alright then we'll be back later, just tell him that we're sorry" Yeonjun spoke softly and the sound of the door closing was heard.

The tanned male waited a few seconds before finally opening the door, only to find his roommate standing in front of the door, a smirk on his face, making him look ten times hotter.

"Hyung-" the older's arm warped around his waist pulling him closer.

"Shall we finish?" He didn't really wait for the answer and kissed Donghyuck instantly

Well actually that's not how it went.

Donghyuck left the bathroom embarrassed, his laundry basket in hand.

"Where you going so fast?" Minhyung who stood by the bathroom door asked.

"The washing machines room" and the door closed after him.

Why why do I have to be such a wreck in front of him? Donghyuck thought as he sat waiting in the empty room.

Until the reason of all his problems walked in with a cheeky smile.

Donghyuck sighed as Minhyung chose the washing machine next to him and started putting his laundry in it.

"I figured you'd be here" he said in a cool manner.

"I told you im going to be here" the younger corrected him, making the latter embarrassed.

"Look Donghyuck, I don't want this to make us awkward and shit, if you want this could be the last time it happens" Minhyung spoke now more seriously.

"-No" Donghyuck instantly replied, he slapped his hand on his mouth as he grew red, the older looking at him with furrowed eyebrows.

"I mean we already spoke about this hyung, let's just, i dont know, experiment?" Donghyuck couldn't believe himself and the words he spoke.

Minhyung on the other hand was the one getting the most shy and embarrassed.

"Y-you want to experiment together?" He asked his voice barely audible.

Donghyuck not looking anywhere besides the ground, nodded franticly.

On the other side of the building, the lunch table friends, were back in their usual spot, it's not like they had other places to hang out in besides the cafeteria.

"So how was the prank?" Jeno asked once the siblings sat down.

"Awful, it turns out Donghyuck doesn-" the girl was soon cut off by her brother, who put his hand on her mouth shutting her up.

"How did you know it was a prank?" Yeonjun asked.

"Well we're not that dumb you know" Jeno replied with swag, but that couldn't be said about the others with him.

"Yeah well, umm you know" Yeonjun panicked as he didn't know what to say anymore, he didn't want to anger Donghyuck more.

"So are they actually dating?" Yeri asked excitement shown on her voice and face.

"Just tell them, they know too much already" Ryujin let out, sitting her body down.

"Well ok hear me out, so Donghyuck didn't have that talk yet" Yeonjun explained his voice low scared the couple might show up out of thin air.

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