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Donghyuck had production after breakfast, he walked to the assisted room alone, trying to clear his mind from the dream he had and the tension at breakfast.

Once inside the room he noticed Jeno walk after him and waving to get his attention.

The boy smiled feeling happy that he wouldn't be left alone.

The two friends sticked together the whole period, making jokes about anything and everything.

Donghyuck forgot about his troubles with Jeno who treated him like an old friend.

The production came to an end and the group of students walked to the dinning haul with hungry stomachs.

"You didn't seem in a good mood this morning, did something happen?" Jeno finally asked as they walked down the hallway leading to their destination, the question lingered for a while in his head.

"I had a fight with hyung" Donghyuck didn't really want to tell anyone, but he felt like he could talk to Jeno about it.

"Oh I knew it, Minhyung hyung seems to like fighting with you, but everyone knows that he cares a lot about you" at the boy's words, Donghyuck remembered all the times Minhyung was there to help him, not to forget that if it wasn't for him Donghyuck's wouldn't be alive right now, and he didn't even thank him for that.

"I know, it's not a big deal" the tanned male replied his head low.

"Anyways let's not ruin the mood now, what classes do you have later?" Jeno put his arm on the sulking boy's shoulder and pulled him closer.

"I think I have biology and math, what about you?"

"Math and physics" he replied, but that time they were already in the crowded cafeteria.

The lunch time was very short that day, the minute Donghyuck sat down, Jeno started nudging him to eat faster.

"What?" Donghyuck asked.

"Eat faster we have class" Jeno replied him with his mouth full.

"Let him eat however he wants his stomach will hurt him if he hurries up" Donghyuck looked up to see his roommate staring at them with a serious face.

"He's right" Ryujin added.

"Yah guys there's no need to attack Jeno like that" Donghyuck chuckled as Jeno pouted.

But the tanned male didn't notice the smirk on Jeno's face.

How did it get to this?

Donghyuck didn't understand either.

He was done with his first class and was now in biology, where the teacher didn't look so pleased.

Donghyuck was sat in the first seat right in front of the teacher that eyed all the students with a somewhat disgusted face.

Minhyung was also in that class but he was right at the very back of it.

Donghyuck glanced at him from time to time only to turn back around when their eyes meet.

"We're very disappointed of your behavior" the teacher finally spoke up after a while of just judging them.

"Did you think we wouldn't notice, or did you guys not care about it? There's cameras everywhere in this association we saw everything" Donghyuck felt his heart sink at the teacher's words, was she referring to him? And if so, is there camera's in their rooms?

Donghyuck turned to the older with a petrified expression.

But the older looked away from him.

Of course the teacher wasn't referring to him.

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