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Back in their room, the two got hit with the same wave of hotness the minute they opened the door.

"Fuck it's still not fixed yet?" Donghyuck let out with a huff.

"It's better than before as long as we don't open the window" Minhyung replied, sitting down on his bed.

"I'm going to shower" Donghyuck spoke, getting some clothes from his locker.

"Wait let me go first, what if he comes later and I'm showering, there's less chances of him coming now" the other proposed standing up fastly and taking some clothes as well after getting a nod from the younger.

"If he comes knock on the bathroom door and I will get out right away" he added before getting in.

"Ok, thank you hyung" Donghyuck said, his eyes showing how grateful he actually was.

"It's the least I could do" The older replied finally getting inside and trying to be as quick as possible.

Getting out of the cold shower, Donghyuck huffed at the still very hot weather inside the room.

Minhyung was shirtless on his bed, a note book in his hand as he fanned himself.

The younger walked next to the older's bed to flip the light switch off.

And then proceeded to walk to his own bed at the end of the room.

"What are you doing?" The older asked in the darkness of their room.

"Going to sleep?" Donghyuck replied.

"In your bed?"


Minhyung stood up switching the lights on and stared at the older with a raised eyebrow.

"Donghyuck he will come later, what if he tries something?" He asked with a frown.

The younger's heart skipped a beat both from the fear of the man and that slight happy feeling that the older was worried about him.

"But it's too hot, I don't want to bother you, not to mention the bed is made for one person not two" the younger answered him sincerely.

"I don't mind the heat, and I would rather we sleep together with you safe than sleep comfortably with you in danger" he was now walking towards the younger who stood there listening.

He opened his bedside table's drawer and pulled the younger's inhaler, then took hold of his hand and led him to his bed.

He put the inhaler on his own bedside table, next to where Donghyuck was standing.

"Sleep now, also it's too hot for you to sleep with a shirt on" he added laying down and waiting for the younger.

Donghyuck sighed and laid down next to his roommate though leaving a bit of space between them, which meant he was so close to falling off the bed.

He somehow felt really embarrassed by what happened this morning that he couldn't get close to the boy laying next to him.

"You might as well sleep on the floor" Minhyung chuckled after getting up and switching the lights off.

He then laid down again but this time getting closer to the younger.

Couple minutes in, the younger couldn't take it anymore, he felt his body sweating off from the heat, and his breathing getting shallow.

The light outside their window made the room a little less darker.

Jungmin was now in their room, sleeping on his respective place, snores heard from him.

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