Chapter I

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He's not an alpha. He's just an omega in denial. Look at his feminine structure. Just admit you're an omega already. No one likes attention seekers. You may act like an alpha, but it doesn't hide the fact you're just an omega in denial. Just stop with the act already.

The alarm rang and snaps him from his dream. He sighs and gets up to get ready for the day.


When George was younger, the doctors told him he was an alpha, but everyone thought he was putting on an act. George ignored those hateful comments everyone gave him and lived his life as any other alpha would. He didn't desire any omega because he hated their sweet scent, it always gave him headaches. He was only interested in other alphas and people thought it was normal for him because they all presumed he was an omega. Even his family said he was an omega in denial and even told him to get another check-up to prove them all right, but he simply denied it.

His mother was the only omega of the family. His father and all his siblings were alphas, even his older sister. In a house full of only alphas was very tiring for George. So he moved out and got a great job as a video game programmer/coder. He very much enjoyed his job, it brought him so much happiness.


George arrived at the company and saw a tall dirty blonde haired guy standing at the front desk flirting with the lady. George cleared his throat and caught both of their attention.

Her face started to turn a bright red and quickly gave him his ID. Disgusting omega pheromones and so unprofessional. He thought to himself as he entered the elevator.

He reached the top floor and walked to get his paperwork before going to his office. He opened the door of his office and a sweet green apple scent hit his face. I can never get over that sweet smell.

He shut the door behind him and gently tossed the papers onto the desk. He was too tired to do anything today, so he plopped down on his sofa that sat in the left corner of his office and decided to talk to Karl.


Hey, are you busy?

Karl replied almost instantly.


I'm on break right now, what's up?


Nothing, I was just bored. I also don't want to do my paperwork.


Oh, why don't you turn off your phone and pay attention to work gogy?

I hate when he calls me that.


Fine, see you at home.

George tossed his phone on the couch as he got up to get started on his paperwork.

An hour goes by and George is bored out of his mind. I should go and try out that new coffee shop across the street.

Just right when he was about to get up, someone knocks on his door. "Come in." He yells as he leans back in his chair.

His eyebrows raise as a familiar boy walks into his office. The flirtatious hottie. Wait, hottie?

The boy shuts the door and takes a seat. "So, I was told that we now work together." No! I don't like working with others. They always seem to get in my way.

The boy cleared his throat and snaps George out of his thoughts. "The name is Clay, how about you cutie?" George slightly blushes and scoffs. "George and I suppose it's nice to meet you, Clay." Clay smiles.

"So, tell me about yourself, cutie." The blonde smirks as he leans back in his chair and George internally rolls his eyes.


After a long casual conversation with Clay, they ended up not getting anything done. It was already the end of the day and George bid him goodbye and headed back home.

George arrived back at his house and was greeted by Karl walking back into the living room. "Hey, gogy. How was work today?" He spoke softly as he tossed him a water bottle.

"It was okay, I now have a partner," George groaned as he opened up the water bottle.

"George, working with someone else? I feel bad for the person already." He chuckled.

George rolled his eyes and started telling him about Clay. "Clay this...Clay that..." Their late night conversation ended up being just full of the new coworker.

Hours went by of nonstop talking of Clay and Karl decided on calling it a night and they wished each other a 'goodnight'.


George tossed and turned, trying to go to sleep, but all he could think about was Clay. George started to grow hot and started panting by the thoughts of the blonde 'hottie'.

What is happening?

He started to freak out and Karl opened his door furiously. "Dude! Stop producing pheromones, they're too strong!" he spoke in a slightly groggy harsh tone and turned on the light.

His eyes widened as he saw George. "Oh god, you're no alpha after all."

George looked at him half-lidded and spoke like he was out of breath. "What is happening with me Karl? I don't like this."

Karl walked up to him and started to release his pheromones to try and calm the brunette down. George's eyes grew heavier and drifted off into a deep sleep. Karl heard his soft snores and tucked him back into bed.

"Oh man George, what will your life be like as an omega now?" he said as he turned off the light and closed the door.

a/n: I think this chapter wasn't too bad? I am pretty tired right now to work on another chapter, so I'll start on it next week. I'm going to watch Karl's stream right now, hope you're all well<33

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