Chapter V

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Clay's POV

I sniff the air and smell a familiar sweet scent. I turn around and see George's eyes half-lidded and panting. Fuck, I shouldn't have brought him while he was in heat. The small brunette slowly approaches me, "Dream, help me." I shake my head, knowing that he'll only be grouchier tomorrow. "Baby, I know you wouldn't want that." I grab his hand and lead him into my room. "Please Clay, I want you inside me." He pouts. "I'm sorry baby, I'll go get you some suppressors." He gets on the bed and I make my way downstairs.

The door swings open, "What's u- "and the boy sniffs. "What's that sweet smell? It's coming from upstairs." I blush and rub the back of my neck. "Well, see, there's- "He cuts me off. "Clay, tell me why there's an omega in our house and in heat?" He drops his bags and looks at me with an unpleasant look on his face. "Well, I kind of have an omega right now and I brought them here, forgetting about their heat." I look down and the boy groans. "I leave to visit my family and come back to you having an omega already? Don't tell me you have both bonded already." I look at him wide-eyed. "N-no, we have not bonded. We've only had sex...once." The raven-haired looks at me furiously and rubs his temples. "Clay, you get a new job and now you have an omega upstairs in heat. Please don't tell me they're your coworker." I freeze in place, having nothing to say, but to only look away and let guilt take over. I hear him sigh and make his way to the couch. "Ugh, what's their name?" I look up feeling confused, why did his whole mood change? "Are you going to stand there or are you going to tell me?" he looks at me with his arms crossed, clearly impatient and waiting for an answer. "Well, his name is George." I look up and see the wide-eyed boy. "D-did you say his?" I look at him, knowing damn well he isn't taking my omega. "I know that look Nick and you know damn well that he is mine and mine alone." I feel the anger roaring inside, begging to be let free. I give him a mean growl, telling him to back off and I make my way upstairs, forgetting about the reason why I went downstairs.

I open the door, only to be hit with a strong sweet scent and I freeze. The brunette on the bed, naked and has three digits inside of him while pinching his nipples. I try to leave the room quietly, but the brunette makes eye contact with me. His eyes half-lidded, face fully flushed, and a moaning mess. I try to leave before his pheromones take me over, but it only gets stronger. The omega removes the digits and crawls to the end of the bed, thinking he couldn't get any hotter.

I lock the door and stand in place, waiting for the omega's command, but that doesn't happen. The brunette and I lock eye contact, he starts sucking on his digits and moans in the process. What is he doing to me? He removes the digits from his mouth, a line of saliva along with and sticks his tongue out. I feel my pants get uncomfortable, I ignore them and keep my eyes on the brunette. We keep eye contact as he adds one digit at a time into his entrance and tries not to moan in the process.

All three digits fully in and he starts curling his fingers to please himself. We break eye contact as he sticks his ass further in the air and lewd sounds escape his mouth. No words have been spoken since I've entered the room, only the sounds of his loud moans filled the room. Thank god my room is soundproofed. I walk up to him and I slightly lift his head, lust beaming from his chocolatey brown eyes. He removes his digits and releases a moan. "Clay, can I suck you off?" The boy pleads and grasps my bulge. I slightly groan in the process and nod.

He sits up on all fours and leans forward. My eyes widen as I watch the brunette zip my pants down with his teeth. He looks up at me for reassurance and I nod. He proceeds to pull my pants down to my ankles and I kick them off. I feel his small hands grasp my cock through my boxers, begging for him to pull it out already. I shiver at his cold touch as he grabs the waistband and slowly pulls it down. My cock flings out and hits my abdomen. "Woah," slips his mouth and I chuckle. "Are you just going to stare at the size baby?" A pink tint spreads across his smooth milky skin and I smirk. "I didn't think it was this big. How did this fit inside of me?" I quietly chuckle.

He wraps his small hands around my cock and starts pumping. I slightly throw my head back and groan in pleasure. I feel his warm mouth wrap around my member and slowly trying to fit the whole thing into his mouth. He slightly gags and his throat tightens around my cock. Tears slipping down his cheeks and his moans vibrating around my cock. I've never felt this good before.

I slightly moan and grip the back of his hair softly, pulling him closer to me. I hear him slightly gag and let the alpha in me take it from there. I start face fucking him and feel myself reaching my climax. My cum shoots down the back of his throat and I slow down my thrusts, riding out my high. I pull out and I see him barely swallow.

Dried-up tears left on his face, messy hair, swollen lips, and his face flushed. I smile at the sight and I see his raging boner. I smirk and push him down onto the bed. I get on my knees and start rubbing his slit, leaking with precum. He moans and arches his back. I remove my hand and start licking from the bottom of his stomach to his nipples. I suck on one side and pinch the other, watching the boy moan at my touch. "Your nipples are very sensitive," I smirk and flick his hard nipples. He moans and nods in response. I keep one hand on his nipple and make my way to his neck. I start sucking and slightly biting his neck, knowing there will be very noticeable marks. I get up and look at my artwork.

I go back down to his swollen nipples and start aggressively sucking. I slowly drag my hand down his body and wrap my huge veiny hands around his member. I start pumping and he starts moaning louder. "Cl-clay, I-I'm close." I stop sucking and start pumping his cock faster. "Cum for me baby." He releases in my hand with a loud sluttish moan. "Did that feel good baby?" He smiles. "It felt amazing," he speaks softly and his voice slightly raspy. I smirk and get up to grab some tissues from my dresser, but he pulls me back. "I want to lick it off your hand." My eyes widen as I feel his warm tongue on my palm and he makes sure to lick his cum all off. "Don't swallow just yet," I say seductively and he nods. I cup his cheek and I bring our lips together. I push my tongue against his lips, he grants access and he spits his cum into my mouth. I pull away in shock and a line of saliva mixed with cum still connects to our mouths. "I just thought you should take my cum." I look at him speechless. God, you're so hot. I smile and tug him into a hug. "God, I love you, Georgie."

I look down to see George already asleep. I kiss his forehead and feel myself get tired. I ignore the fact that we're still naked and reek.

a/n: holy shit, that was quite a lot. I just thought you deserve a sort of (not really) long chapter because I left on a cliff hanger.

I forgot to work on this after I released the "Update", I was playing geogesser all day. I think it's bad that I almost know where every country is located...

Anyway, I hope this chapter wasn't too bad.

I also want to say that my discord is almost all set up and I also have started planning out my next book:]

I hope you're all great<3333

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