Chapter III

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Clay's POV

I quickly gathered all of my things and headed to the elevator. Why am I in such a hurry? I barely know him. I shook those thoughts out of my head and ran to my car. I hear my phone go off and see that George sent me his address. Oh, it's not that far. I start up my car and head to his house.

I arrive at his house and get out of my car. His house is beautiful and simple, seems just like his type of style.

I walk up to his door and ring the doorbell. Do I look presentable? Do I stink? Maybe it's not too late to turn around?

George opens the door and breaks me from my self conscious thoughts. He's so pretty. "Hey, come in." He speaks shyly as he opens the door, wider.

"We can go up into my office and start on the plug-in." I nod in agreement and slowly follow him upstairs. He slides his office door open and a pc set up is set towards the right side of the room, a sofa with a glass coffee table sat to the left side of the room, and a bookshelf with a file cabinet sat towards the balcony door. So organized.

He signals me to sit next to him on the sofa. "So, what do we have to work on?" He speaks as he opens up his laptop. He has such a pretty voice.

"Don't want to overwork you, so we'll just plan out what we want on the plug-in." I state and look up at him. We make eye contact and he quickly looks back at the screen, his cheeks slightly tinted pink. That's cute.


We worked for a few hours and decided to take a break. "I said we would only work on a little bit, but we're almost done." I grunted as I got up to stretch and George released a small giggle from his lips. Such a cute laugh, so addicting.

"Well, call me a workaholic because I just love what I do," George speaks with passion and tosses me a bottle of water.

"So George, what were you doing the last couple of days, or were you sick? I gulp my water and look at him.

"Well, I just caught a fever and slept." He speaks softly while looking at his lap. I look at him and smile. He's so adorable. I put two fingers on his chin and lift his head a bit.

"You don't have to be nervous when you're talking to me." His face turns red and tries to cover it with his hands. That's adorable, an alpha blushing.

"Want to stop here for today?" He nods and I start gathering all the papers together.

"It's pretty late, why don't you stay here for tonight?" I smile at his comment and he blushes.

"Sure, let's order something and watch a movie," I suggest and the brunette gives a toothy smile.

"Okay, what do you want to eat?"

"Let's just get some pizza and you can choose the movie." He simply nods and orders the pizza.



The pizza arrived and he put on a Harry Potter movie. We got halfway through the movie and George stifled a yawn. Must be tired.

"Want to head to bed now?" He sleepy nods and we make our way to his room.

"You can sleep on my bed with me, it's big enough for the both of us." I smile and get under the covers with him. I face with my back facing towards him and quickly fall asleep.

"Goodnight, Clay." George mumbles.

"Goodnight, Georgie." I say softly and doze off.


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