Chapter XI

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It's been a few months since George found out he was having twins and it was a living nightmare. Some days, he's sleeping 10-12 hours, which isn't normal but it's normal for George. On other days, he's feeling "any" pain possible because he was being overly dramatic.

Clay, on the other hand, has been doing his best to relieve the omega's pain. Even though it excruciating, he still does his best. He still works, but only twice a week and he hated those days because Karl takes care of him. Don't get him wrong, he loves Karl as a friend, but he wants no one near his omega.

George is only five months due and let's say that he is a "little" too excited. He's had just enough with their kicks, the back pains, weird cravings, and crankiness. He wants it to be over, but he'll miss Clay being his bell boy.


It was midnight and George felt something wet underneath him. He was bewildered and thought he pissed the bed, but his heart dropped when it hit him. "Cl-clay, m-my water broke." He hesitated and shook Clay awake. Clay jolted from their bed as he saw the bed and called Puffy. "Puffy! George's, um...water broke a-and I-I don't know what to do!" He combed through his hair as he spoke and was feeling all sorts of feelings; scared, nervous, happy, what should he be feeling?

"Okay, Clay. I need you to calm down and keep George relaxed for the twins. I sent an ambulance your way and should be there shortly." Puffy's words relieved Clay and all he had to do was wait. How can his water break right now? He's four months early and I'm not remotely prepared!


Took about ten minutes until the ambulance came and they told Clay that he couldn't come with George because they weren't married nor related, it pissed Clay off but he took this opportunity to pack some things that they might need for both of them and the twins.

Clay was running throughout the house trying to pack everything and anything that they would need. He also decided to call Nick and Karl to tell them that George is in labor right now; they started to freak out as well.

Everything was happening too fast and Clay was trying to comprehend what was happening, he felt discombobulated. One minute George goes into labor and the next he's on the way to the hospital, slightly going over the speed limit.


Clay got to the hospital and quickly grabbed the bags he prepared and ran inside. The receptionist had told him that he couldn't go in, but after a few minutes of bickering and telling her that he was his mate, she finally told him the room number.

The blonde rushed down the halls and arrived at the room. He opened the door and saw the brunette laying on the bed and breathing rapidly. The doctor approached the alpha, "Are you the patient's alpha?" Clay nodded in response and the doctor let him pass.


It felt like hours just sitting there and Clay was getting impatient. George was not doing great at all, he felt so much pain and was complaining. The doctors left the room moments after, probably because they couldn't deal with George's whining.

Clay couldn't take it anymore and finally thought of an idea to help the omega relax. He commanded George to take off his gown, but not fully. The brunette's face flushed a bright red and he did as he was told, but hesitated a bit.

The blonde was just eyeing his chest and leaned forward and started sucking. George felt relaxed, but was embarrassed and hoping no doctors will come in and see them like this. Clay, on the other hand, was so happy because he loved the taste of his milk. It was a win-win situation.


A few moments later, George knew it was time and Clay called for the doctors. The omega was screaming in agony while the doctors did their job and seeping his nails into Clay's hand, he tried to ignore the pain.

After such a long time, Clay's hand was scarred up and George was now peacefully sleeping. The beautiful twins were getting cleaned up, a boy and a girl, what a shock. Clay was exhausted, but not as much as George and he cuddled up with his omega and soon fell asleep.

a/n: hello everyone! Hope you're all doing well and taking care of yourselves :D

I wrote this at 3am and I am still kind of jetlagged, but I needed a new chapter out.

I just realized that I never even worked on a chapter where they talked about names, oh god. I have no idea what the twins' names are yet-

Also, this story is coming to an end sadly. Just a few more chapters, I might do a sequel, but who knows:)

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