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*4 years later*

It's been 5 (almost 6)years since Clay and I have been together and we've been the happiest with our little family.

It's funny that the second time we had sex, I got pregnant. He turned me into an omega and he didn't even take me out to dinner first, so cliché.

We're not married yet and we already have kids that are now turning 5! Eden may be the oldest, but Erin is much more mature than her already. She acts just like Clay, but she looks more like me. She was a short-haired brunette, with two different colored eyes, and has Clay's cheeky smile that'll warm your heart. She a very energetic person, even Emily can't handle her. Nick and Clay always take her to the gym with them. I hate it a lot because I don't want her to get hurt, but it's something she loves a lot.

Erin, on the other hand, he loves his books and cooking. Emily and him get along so well, they share common interests. Just like Karl and I, just four introverts.

Clay calls Erin my "mini me" and also calls him, "duckling". Erin may look like Clay with his sort of long wavy-dirty blonde hair. His hair is very weird; in the winter, it's more of a dark brown with blonde streaks and summer, it's a dirty blonde. It's very peculiar, but I love it. Makes his so unique, like his eyes.

Erin and Eden may have different interests, but they get along so well. Nothing can separate them. They even begged Clay and I for a bunk bed. We asked if they would ever want separate rooms when they got older, but they declined. Which Clay and I said it'll soon change once they enter middle school.

The twins may be 5, but you can faintly smell their pheromones. Which is slightly questionable because I didn't start producing pheromones until I turned 23. But the twins are producing faint alpha pheromones and I wonder if it'll change when they got older.


*Clay's POV*

It's George and I's 6-year anniversary. I'm incredibly nervous because I planed out this entire day, weeks before. I asked Nick if he could take the kids last night so George and I can spend the day together.

I also found a beautiful place when Nick, Eden, and I went hiking one weekend. Hidden spot; a gorgeous flower patch with flat rocks next to the clear pond and a waterfall that stuck out too much.

I thought it would be the perfect place to take him for dinner. I was going to take him to a restaurant, but that would be too much for him because he doesn't like fancy places. So, I stuck a little fancy picnic. I was going to make sandwiches, but Karl, Erin, and Emily insisted on making dinner. They thought I was "too basic", but I suppose they weren't wrong.


George is still in bed sleeping because he was very tired taking care of all the kids paperwork for primary school and I wanted him to get plenty of rest for what I've planned today.

I started off the day making him breakfast in bed. Waffles with roses shaped strawberries that Erin cut for me yesterday, such a talented kid, drizzled with strawberry syrup. I also got him his favorite beverage, apple juice. I thought that it wouldn't seem right to have with what I made him, but he's a weird guy. He doesn't like coffee, not a big fan of tea, and orange juice is something he wouldn't look forward to. But I love him.


"Georgie, I need you to get up." I slightly shook his shoulder and he lingered to my eyes. God, why does he have to look so good, I could just devour him right now.

The brunette smiled and closed his eyes to sniff the sweet aroma. "mm, what smells so good baby?" Fuck, his morning voice is hot.

"I made you breakfast and got you apple juice." I smirked as he shot up with the biggest smile. You're pushing my buttons, George.

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