Chapter XII

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After I gave birth two my two beautiful twins; Eden and Erin, I was exhausted and sort of went into a deep slumber. I felt like sleeping beauty, literally. I was literally woken up by a kiss. I felt someone kiss my forehead and I fluttered my eyes open to see... Clay, my love. I smiled at the look on his face, his eyes were wide and looked like he saw a ghost.

"GEORGE! OH MY GOD! DON'T YOU EVER DO THAT TO ME AGAIN!" he shouted, seeming like he was worried and I giggled.

"What do you mean Clay? I was exhausted from giving birth to our children yesterday." I said sarcastically and he just sat there, frozen.

"'ve been sleeping for a whole week." My eyes widen. What does he mean I've been sleeping for a whole week? He's got to be joking...

"I'm joking George, you've been sleeping for two days! How the hell do you just go into a deep slumber like that? Are you fucking Sleeping Beauty, or some shit?" he spoke worriedly and sort of hissed. I just laughed and felt my face grow red and tears forming at my eyes. I just couldn't stop, I can never get over the feeling he gives me.


I signed a few papers and went to get our beautiful babies, Clay told the doctors to keep them here a little longer because I sort of went into a minor coma. Which, I didn't mean come on, I was tired and it felt great.


We got home a few hours ago and it took awhile for the twins to get used to our scents and they also just wouldn't stop sucking my nipples. Even Clay took advantage of this, he supposedly said, "it tasted good". I know they will seriously be sore and swollen tomorrow and I have to get used to it for awhile because I know Clay won't stop after the kids grew up.

I finally got the twins and Clay to stop sucking and put the babies into their cribs and also had to literally carry Clay to our bed because he also fell asleep. I live with three babies and they're all lucky their all gorgeous. If the twins were to give me puppy eyes, I wouldn't even able to say no!

Eden has a left blue eye and a right green eye, though it looks more yellow to me. Erin has a right dark brown eye and a left bright green eye. I can't believe our babies were this lucky to have both Clay and I's eyes! Absolutely lucky.


I can't believe it's been a year since I have birth to my beautiful babies and they turn 1 today! Clay and I decided to call Nick and Karl over with their baby girl, Emily.

Last year, they decided to adopt because Karl can't give birth. He was sad about it, but immediately brightened up after they adopted their beautiful girl. She has pretty blue eyes, curly chestnut hair, and had light freckles on her cheeks. No going to lie, she looked so much like Karl, but acted just like Nick.


Our families were absolutely perfect, our little group fell in love with each other's best friends, wow!

And were soon to get married...hopefully.

a/n: well, hello everyone.
i sure do hope you're all doing great and taking care of yourselves:)

i'm sorry for this short chapter, might be shorter, but more chapters because of writer's block...terrible.

i hope you all enjoyed this chapter, it felt great to write again. i guess karl's stream motivated me.

maybe next chapter will be tomorrow or next week or next month or i'll just leave for a whole year.

i'm joking, i'll probably write when i feel like it again:)

love you all<333

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