Chapter VII

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Clay's POV

I wake up to the sunlight beaming through my curtains onto my face. I pick up my phone to look at the time, 8:00, great! I set my phone back down and look down to see the brunette sleeping so peacefully. How did I get so lucky with you?

I softly swept his bangs from his eyes and kissed his forehead. You're so pretty. I slowly removed myself from his grasp and made my way downstairs.

I turn the corner and see Nick sitting at the island. I feel myself grow hot, anger beam through my eyes. And man, did I want to punch that face of his.

"Hey, Cl- "I cut him short, feeling the rage inside me start to boil.

"You don't get to Hey Clay me, what the fuck did you do to George yesterday?" I spit out scornfully.

"Well, I wanted to see your omega and his pheromones pretty much disgust me. So, I saw the fear in his eyes and thought to mess with him for a bit, but that went downhill." I hear the smirk loud a clear. I feel the rage about to abrupt. Oh, I'll show him how scared George was.

"You know, I always wondered how my fist would look next to your face. Maybe we can find out?" I walk closer to him, my fists tightening. I look at him again to see him covering his nose, I smirk.

"They always say nothing can be more disgusting when another alpha smells an alpha's pheromone." I see the disgust in his eyes, I lift my arm into the air, about to swing.

"Clay, where are you?" I drop my arm when I hear the sacredness in my omega's voice.

"Consider yourself lucky Nick." I drop my arm and give him a glare as I leave the kitchen.

I quickly make my way upstairs and see him curled up in the corner of the room. My heart slightly shatters as I see him like this. "George, it's okay, I'm right here."

He puts his head up and a tear makes its way down his cheek. It's my fault he's like this. He jumps into my arms and tightens his grip. "Don't leave me again, I was scared to see that you weren't next to me." I hear the hurt in his voice and make me feel even more guilty.

I tighten my grip and cradle him in my arms, trying to calm him down. His sour scent turns into a sweeter one. "I'm sorry, I went to go talk to Nick."

He slightly loosens his grip. "It's okay, I was just being paranoid." You shouldn't be sorry, it's all my fault, I hate myself for it. He speaks up, breaking me from my thoughts. "Clay, don't blame yourself for what happened. You couldn't have known that would've happened."

You're just too perfect for me, too perfect. "How did I get so lucky?" I mumble, my face in the crook of his neck. He giggles quietly, automatically giving me butterflies. You sure are something.


George's POV

I lay there, snuggled up in Clay's arms, deciding if I should ask Clay if he wants to meet Karl and maybe bring Nick with us.

I let all those thoughts scatter in my head, until I finally got the guts to ask him. "um, Clay?" he hums in response and I feel myself get more nervous. "Do you want Karl?" I slowly look up to meet his eyes and I saw him smile.

"I sort of met him the first night I stayed with you, but I'd be more than happy to get to know him more." I sigh in relief and I crawl out of his arms. "So, we should get ready right now because I know he doesn't have work today and tomorrow." He nods and we get ready.


We make our way downstairs and see Nick on the couch. I take in a deep breath and walk up to him. "Nick, do you want to come with us to meet my friend and maybe we can get to know each other more?" His eyes widen in shock and reverts his eyes to Clay, who is also in shock.

"I-I um, do you think that it won't be awkward?" He rubs the back of his neck and I giggle. "Why would it be? I'm just spending time with my boyfriend and his best friend while we go meet my best friend." Nick scoffs and I turn around to see Clay, his face a bright red. Aw, that's adorable.

"Fine, I'll come." I shoot him a smile and we walk out the house.


The three boys made it to George's house, it wasn't that far, maybe a 30-minute drive. George excitedly jumped out of the car and ran to the front door, while Clay and Nick were barely getting out of the car.

George unlocked the door and saw the floppy-haired boy; sitting on the sofa while watching a cartoon. "George! It's been awhile since I've seen you, it's been so quiet in this house when I come back from work." He brings George into a tight hold and someone clears their throat in the background. "Oh, I see that you brought your alpha and... another alpha? George, what did you do?" Karl turns back to George with a concerned look.

"Well, the other alpha is 'Nick'. I wanted them both to meet you." George smiles and Karl makes eye contact with the raven-haired. "I like your bandanna." Nick slightly blushes. "Thank you, your sweater has beautiful colors." They smile at each other.

"Okay, you two lovebirds can daze into each other's eyes in Karl's room, I'm going to go take a shower." The brunette turns around to face the stairs and Karl clears his throat.

"George, what's that on your neck?" George halts and his face turns a beet red. He quickly says nothing and runs up the stairs, leaving the blonde standing there flustered. Clay shortly walks after George, leaving the two to get to know each other.

Clay walks into the brunette's room and hears to shower on. Maybe he won't mind if I join him. He opens the door and locks it behind him. He starts stripping and slightly opens the curtain. George jumps a little and turns around to see the alpha stepping into the shower. "Hi baby, I wanted to shower with you." The blonde kisses his forehead and George's ears start to burn up.

"No need to feel so flustered, I've already seen everything." His words make George blush even more and looks up at the alpha towering him. "Have I ever told you how cute you look when you blush?" Clay slightly lifts his head towards him and brings a kiss to his lips.

One little peck turned out into a heated make out session and one thing lead to another.


An hour later, they got out of the shower, acting like nothing happened and went downstairs. Their eyes widen at the sight of both Karl and Nick both snuggled up on the couch sleeping. "I'm guessing that they got along very well." "You can say that again, bet that they're going to get together by next week." Clay winked at George and he smirked.

"I'm going to say that they'll get together by the end of the week." George speaks, cockiness laced in his tone.

"Oh you're on Georgie." The blonde stuck out his hand and they shook on it.

a/n: it's been a bit.

This chapter has been in the works since chapter 6 and I'm sorry that this is short and pretty sloppy. (I also didn't feel like editing it.)

I needed a chapter out so I can get started on the next, I had a whole story plot set out last week, but I deleted this chapter and the next 3 chapters on accident, so I was pretty stressed and I made this.

I wasn't up to writing smut today, just decided to write some karlnap fluff.

I think the next chapter is going to be interesting, hopefully.

Hope you're all doing great and taking care of yourselves<3

Love you all<33

Happy Indigenous Day.

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