Chapter IX

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George hears the tick of the door locking and footsteps getting closer. He tries to sit up, but the strong musky scent, pins him on the bed, refraining him from moving. He feels himself grow frightened and soon releases a sour scent. "George, your stop releasing a sour scent." A familiar husky voice was to be heard and soon the alpha was on top of him. "Cl-clay? What are you doing? You're not supposed to be in here." George asked, concerned.

The alpha said no words. George was growing anxious and soon the alpha was fully on top of him. The brunette was about to speak, but Clay soon connected their lips together. He melted into the kiss and pulled the alpha towards him and soon the kiss became more intimate.

Clay released from the kiss and started undressing himself and George took the hint to undress as well. They were both fully naked and George was once pinned down again. He thought it was hot and Clay's pheromones soon became stronger. He felt himself grow hot.

What? I took my suppressants, but Puffy also said that they're not strong. This probably won't end-. Clay breaks him from his thoughts as he grazes his warm tongue along his collarbone to the crook of his neck.

He starts biting and sucking the sweet spot of George's neck. His moans soon get louder and Clay releases. He leaves red marks on his neck and collarbone. His nipples now swollen and he soon makes his way down with the omega's perfect milky-skinned body with soft kisses.

George was getting harder every kiss, he enjoyed how delicate he was being. Clay suddenly lifts his head, a few inches from the brunette's hardened cock and makes his way to his thighs.

He starts to get closer with each mark he makes and suddenly flips the boy and catches George by surprise. The blonde aggressively spreads the omega's legs and George slightly flinches at the contact between Clay's tongue and his ass.

The slick dripping from his ass is now being devoured by the blonde. At first, he felt dysphoric about the sudden feeling, but now he's enjoying it as each sluttish moan releases from his lips.

The warm feeling disappeared and was replaced by Clay's hardened cock. George let out a slight screaming moan at the sudden forcefulness.

Tears streaming down the brunettes face at every forceful push, hitting his prostate every time. The blonde pulled out and told the brunette to ride him. His face was now florid at Clay's words and obeyed.

After minutes of every forceful push down, George felt Clay's cock start to swell inside him. He started to scream at the pain, but at the same time... he enjoyed it. The alpha kept pushing further in and the brunette couldn't take it anymore, he started to cry at the pain. He tried to tell Clay to stop, but the alpha in him clouded his mind.

George finally got the blonde to stop and they stayed in that position trying to catch their breaths. The brunette felt a warm sensation fill him up and tried to get up, but didn't have the strength to do so.

The lust in Clay's eyes had now vanished and took notice of the boy on top of him. Dried up tears stained his cheeks. His eyes were puffy and his lips swollen. He felt himself still inside George and pulled him off.

An egregious feeling took him over and saw the brunette cower under the covers. "George, w-what did I do?" he stuttered and heard soft sniffs. "It h-hurt, s-so bad." George choked on his sobs in between his sentence.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. What did I do? This is so fucking bad. "Georgie? Did I happen to um...swell inside you?" He prayed that didn't happen after he let the words slip form his mouth. George only hummed in response and Clay felt his heart drop. This is so bad.

Clay laid in there still thinking and regretting what he just did in the last 4 hours during his rut. I knotted with him and it's all my fault. If I stayed put, this would have never happened and George wouldn't be hurt.

Soft snores were to be heard from under the blanket, he lifted the blanket just above the brunette's shoulders and went to go draw him a bath. Clay quickly slipped on his boxers and shorts and quietly opened the door.

He heard faint sounds from the tv downstairs and quickly went into the bathroom to draw George a bath.

He entered the room to wake up the sleeping omega. Clay lightly shook him awake. "George, let's go take a bath, I don't want you to sleep like this." George nodded in response and Clay picked him up, bridal style.

George felt a lot much better after the bath and was very thankful for Clay being so thoughtful. How did I get so lucky with such an alpha?

They soon got dressed and were back in their clean bed, after Clay changed the bedding. "George, I'm sorry for what happened... and if you don't want to get pregnant... we can take care of that tomorrow." Clay spoke sympathetically with slight pauses.

George just scoffed and hugged him. "No! I w-want this...w-with you." He tightened his grip around the blonde's torso and smiled. "Okay baby."

"I think our baby will have great genes." Clay spoke with cockiness and chuckled.

"I love you Clay." George blurted out randomly, but from his tone, he was serious.

"I love you too Georgie." Clay smiled and kissed the top of George's head.

a/n: I am so tired after writing this and I had no time to edit, I am flooded with assignments because I have finals today.

I took 6 tests yesterday and started writing soon after I was finished. Was probably a bad idea, but at least I got a chapter out.

I'm going on vacation, starting Friday and I will be working on this story. I'm sorry to say that I only have a few more chapters' left.

I want to get started on 'Bad Texter' and another book.

Anyway, I hope this chapter wasn't too bad.

I hope you're all doing great and I'll see you all soon:)

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